Guide to the Collection
Restrictions on Access
The bulk of the Henry Cabot Lodge papers II are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or reference@joker47.net.
This collection consists of the papers of U.S. senator and diplomat Henry Cabot Lodge, including correspondence and papers related to his service in World War II, his diplomatic career in Vietnam and the United Nations, and his 1952 Senate race against John F. Kennedy.
Biographical Sketch
Henry Cabot Lodge (1902-1985) was a U.S. senator and diplomat, the son of poet George Cabot Lodge and Mathilda Frelinghuysen Davis and the grandson of U.S. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge (1850-1924). He graduated from Harvard in 1924 and worked as a journalist until 1933. He married Emily Sears in 1926, and the couple had two children. Elected as a Republican state representative in Massachusetts in 1932, he moved up to the U.S. Senate in 1936. He took a temporary leave of absence from the Senate and served in World War II with American tank units in Libya. Lodge was re-elected to the U.S. Senate in 1942, but resigned in 1944 to serve with the army in Europe. He was elected once again to the Senate in 1946, but lost in 1952 to John F. Kennedy while working on Eisenhower's campaign. President Eisenhower appointed Lodge ambassador to the United Nations, where he served until 1960. That year, he ran as vice president with Richard Nixon, losing to the Kennedy/Johnson ticket. In 1963, President Kennedy appointed Lodge ambassador to Vietnam, and he was again appointed in 1965 by President Johnson. He served in that position until 1967, and then served in 1968-1969 as ambassador to Germany. In 1969, Lodge headed the U.S. delegation to the unsuccessful Paris Peace Talks with Vietnam. From 1969 to 1977, he served occasionally as an envoy to the Vatican for Presidents Nixon and Ford.
Collection Description
This collection consists of the papers of U.S. senator and diplomat Henry Cabot Lodge, including general correspondence; papers related to his service in World War II in the 8th Army, 1st American Tank Detachment (including three small diaries); and material concerning his diplomatic career in Vietnam and the United Nations, his 1952 Senate race against John F. Kennedy, the Paris Peace Talks, SALT II, and his books. The collection also contains correspondence with Dwight D. Eisenhower, as well as letters from Lodge's wife Emily S. Lodge in Vietnam to family members at home. The bulk of the collection is general correspondence.
Acquisition Information
The Henry Cabot Lodge II papers were a bequest to the Massachusetts Historical Society by Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. in 1985.
The Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. papers II are arranged, for the most part, in the order in which Lodge gave them to the Massachusetts Historical Society.
Restrictions on Access
The bulk of the Henry Cabot Lodge papers II are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or reference@joker47.net.
Other Formats
On microfilm, P-373, 33 reels.
Detailed Description of the Collection
I. General correspondence
Arranged alphabetically by person, organization, or subject.
See the General Correspondent and Subject List at the end of this guide.
HED - Johnson, Louis
Johnson, Lyndon - Kennedy, John
Kennedy, Joseph - KEY
KH - Lodge, G. C.
Lodge, G. C. - MAS
SA - Smith, H.
Smith, J. - VAN
II. Confidential journal
This volume contains memoranda Lodge wrote to himself, 1948-1963 and 1965-1967.
III. Military papers
This series consists of material related to Lodge's military service in World War II and afterwards.
Military record, 1924-1981
Resignation from Senate, 1944
Illness, 1944
World War II personal correspondence
World War II diaries/notebooks (4 vols.)
First American Tank Detachment
Medical records
Libya lecture
Fort Leavenworth lecture, 1 July 1948
"The Strasbourg Incident," ms. by Major John W. Price
Scrapbook, resignation from Senate, 1944
Scrapbook, Lodge in World War II, 1942-1945
IV. Senate campaign of 1952
This series consists of material related to Lodge's Senate race against John F. Kennedy in 1952.
Miscellaneous campaign materials
Lodge/Kennedy voting records
Polls/voting estimates
Television campaign
Press releases, undated
Supporters from World War II
V. Vietnam papers
Arranged alphabetically by person, organization, or subject.
See the Vietnam Papers: General Correspondent and Subject List at the end of this guide.
A - DO
VI. Emily Sears Lodge Saigon papers
These papers consist mainly of letters written by Emily Sears Lodge to Mrs. A. S. Alexander and family and to Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Lodge from Vietnam, 1963-1964.
VII. Paris Peace Talks
Arranged alphabetically.
Miscellaneous papers
Background papers
Criticism of Lodge
Departure from Paris
French correspondence
Hoopes, Townsend (article by)
January 14th trip
March 2nd session
Mekong rice
Notes on Midway Island Conference
Officer Corps of Vietnamese defense forces
Pacification and development of South Vietnam
Pentagon papers
President's statement
Prisoners of war
Report of USAID director to the ambassador, 1969, 1970
Speech material
Statements concerning Paris Peace Talks
Thank-you notes
United Kingdom ambassador's opinion
United States and Vietcong talks
Vance, Cyrus
Walsh, Lawrence E. (ambassador)
Writings (not used)
VIII. Vietnam memoir
This series consists of the manuscript of Lodge's book, never published, about his experience in Vietnam.
IX. SALT II papers
This series consists of papers related to SALT II and Lodge's participation in and support of the talks.
Undated notes and clippings
Speeches and statements
Statement of Henry Kissinger, 31 July 1979
White House questions and answers
Chronological file, 1977-1980
X. Books
The Storm Has Many Eyes (1973)
Contract and paperwork
Duplicates of source material
Eisenhower campaign duplicates
Royalty statements
University Microfilms International (UMI)
As It Was (1976)
Contract and paperwork
Royalty statements
Unused material
XI. Lodge-Eisenhower correspondence
Stored ONSITE at Ms. N-166.Arranged chronologically.
This series consists of correspondence between Henry Cabot Lodge and Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1950-1982. Items dated after Eisenhower's death are about him. Several Lodge-Eisenhower items were discovered after microfilming. Box 4 contains this unfilmed portion of the correspondence.
1950-Aug. 1954
Sep. 1954-June 1955
July 1955-Mar. 1960
Apr. 1960-1982
The letters in this box are not included on the microfilm, P-373.
XII. Newspaper clippings
Arranged in rough chronological order.
This series consists of newspaper clippings concerning Lodge's career, 1925-1985. The originals have been discarded.
XIII. Miscellaneous printed material and ephemera
This series contains printed matter and ephemera removed from the main body of the collection.
This material is not included on the microfilm, P-373.
Papers removed from: General correspondence, A - M
Papers removed from: General correspondence, N - Z
Papers removed from: Confidential journal
Papers removed from: Military papers
Papers removed from: Vietnam papers, A - C
Papers removed from: Vietnam papers, D - Z
Papers removed from: Emily Sears Lodge Saigon papers
Papers removed from: Paris Peace Talks
Papers removed from: SALT II papers
XIV. Oversize material
This series contains maps, other printed material, sketches, and Lodge's citation for a Bronze Star, 7 Aug. 1944.
This material is not included on the microfilm, P-373.
General Correspondent and Subject List
Listed here are correspondents and subjects appearing in Series I of this collection.
A | Abbott, Gordon, Jr. Acheson, Dean Adams, Charles Francis, III (1866-1954) Adams, Charles Francis, IV (b. 1910) Adams, Samuel Adams, Sherman Aiken, George D. Air Bags Alaska (Preservation of wilderness) Alessandroni, Walter E. Alexander, Archibald S., and family Allen, Terry de la Mesa Allin, (Bishop) John M. Alsop, Joseph Altschuler, Mitchell American Arbitration Association American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA) American Security Council |
American Veteran Committee Amnesty (of Vietnam War resisters) Anderson, Dillon Anderson, Marian Andrews, John K., Jr. Anschutz, John R. Anti-Defamation League Armstrong, H.F. Army, Marilyn Arpin, Robert Asia Society Askew, Thomas A. Asleson, Robert Association of the United States Army (AUSA) Atlantic Institute for International Affairs Auriol, Vincent Austin, Warren R. Author's Guild Avant Garde |
B | Bacevich Andrew J. Bader, William B. Badger, Sherwin C. Bailar, Benjamin F. Baker, Annette Baker, George P. Baker, Howard H., Jr. Ballou, Lance C., Jr. Barbour, Robert E. Barcos, James W. Barnes, Charles B. Barnes, Charles B., Jr. Barnes, George L. Barnes, Phoebe Barnes, Sylvia Barraclough, Sir John Barrett, Edward W. Bartlett, Thomas A. Bates, William H. BBC Interview Beal, Willis P. Beaudry, Robert M. Beck, Inc., Manufacturers Behrens, Mrs. Earl C. Belaunde, Teresa Moreyra de Belaunde, Victor A. Bell, David E. Bell, William E. Benjamin, Robert S. Bennett, Alan H. Benton, William Benzaquin, Paul Beranek, Leo L. Berg, John Berle, A. A., Jr. Beverly Cove Improvement Association Biddle, --Bierkoe, George O. Bigelow, Edward L., Jr. Bingham, Barry Binns, Joseph P. Birdwood, Lord Bishop, Jim Blair, Clay Blair, William McC., Jr. Black, Eugene R. Blaustein, Jacob Bleicken, Gerhard D. Bliss, Ray C. Blouet, Max Bock, William H. Bohemian Grove Bohlen, Charles E. Bohlen, Edwin U.C. Bok, Derek Curtis Bolton, Frances P. |
Bonnet, Henri Borah, William Boston University Boston Evening Transcript (original employee record) Botsford, Charles G. Bottari, Joseph Bouche, Rene R. Bowers, Mr. Bowles, Chester Bradford, Robert F. Bradley, Omar N. Braggiotti, D. Chadwick Brandt, Willy Brayman, Harold Von Braun, Wernher Bricker, John W. Brickley, Bartholomew Bridges, Styles Bridwell, Thomas J. Briggs, Ellis O. Brooke, Edward W. Brooks, John E. Brown, Benjamin H. Brown, Edmund G. Brown, Harold Brown, John Mason Brownell, Herbert, Jr. Bruce, David K.E. Brucker, Wilber M. Bruner, Richard W. Buchanan, Wiley T., Jr. Budd, Sgt. Bui, Diem Bui, Duong-Chi Bullard, Thomas R. Bullock, Hugh Bunau-Varilla, Philippe Bunche, Ralph J. Bundy, McGeorge Bundy, William P. Bunker, Ellsworth Burden, William A. M. Burger, Warren E. Burgess, Carter L. Burke, John R. Burns, James MacGregor Bush, George Butler, John Marshall Butler, Ken Butterworth, Fred Byington, Alberto Jackson, Jr. Byrd, Harry F., Jr. Byrnes, James F. Byroade, Henry A. |
C | Cabot, John M. Cabot, Thomas D. Cabot Family Genealogy Caccia, Sir Harold Campaign Staff List (1960) Canada (Ambassador to Germany) Canfield, Cass Cann, Clifford N. Capper, Arthur Carens, Thomas H. Carpenter, David J. Carpenter, H.G. Carpenter, Patrick Carroll, James M. Carstens, Karl Cartano, John D. Carter, James Earl Carter, Jay Franklin Case, Clifford P. Casey, Maie Chaffee, Adna Romanza Challenger, Richard D. Chamberlain, Charles E. Chandler, Porter R. Cherne, Leo Children's Fund Childs, Marquis W. Christian, John Christy, Marian Chuong, Tran Van Church, Frank Churchill, Randolph Churchill, Sir Winston Cima, Anthony P. Clark, Don Clark, Frank M. Clark, Forrester (Tim) A. Clark, Mark W. Clark, Paul F. Clarke, Bruce C. |
Clay, Lucius D. Clement, David H. Clifford, Clark, M. Clifton, Chester V. Cough, Roy F. Clurman, Richard Coakley, Dan Codman, Charles R. Cole, Albert Cole, Louis M. Colonial Wars, Society of Colson, Charles W. Columbia Broadcasting Systems (CBS) Comerford, Richard Committee of Americans for the Canal Treaties, Inc. Conant, James B. Connery, Lawrence J. Connolly, Lewis T. Conte, Silvio Cook, Charles D. Cooke, Terence Cardinal Coolidge, Calvin Coolidge, Charles A. Coolidge, Louis A. Coolidge, William A. Cooper, John Sherman Costello, Clement C. Costello, Thomas F. Cowles, Gardner (Mike) Cresci, Frank Crittenberger, Willis D. Cross, Jonathan Crowley, John W. Culler, Jonathan D. Cunningham, Bill Cult of Weakness Curley, James M. Currier, Donald E. Cushing, Richard J. Cutler, Robert A. |
D | Dabney, Virginius Dahlen, M.A. Daniel, Clifton Daniels, Jonathan Darden, Colgate W., Jr. Davenport, Russell W. Davies, John Dean, Jonathan Defense (Revolutionary War Privateer Brigantine) De Gaulle, Charles De Gourcuff, Louis De Lapp, Sim A. De Lattre de Tassigny (General) Delta Queen (Mississippi Riverboat) De Maio, Walter J. Demas, Peter De Palma, Samuel Derksen, J.J. De Seynes, Philippe De Streel, Quentin and Helena Devers, Jacob L. De Wasseige, Robert Dewart, Alan Dewey, Thomas E. |
Dillon, C. Douglas Dillon, Clarence Dirksen, Everett McKinley Disarmament Ditzen, Lowell Russell Dixon, Sir Pierson Dobrynin, Anatoly F. Dodd, William E., Jr. Dodge, Joseph M. Dole, Robert J. Donovan, Hedley Doolan, John M. Doubleday Company, Inc., Publishers Douglas, James H. Douglas, Lewis W. Douglas, Paul H. Dowden, Charles Merrill Drury, (Miss) Michael Duff, James H. Dulles, Allen W. Dulles, John Foster Dunn, John M. Dunne, Irene Dwight, William |
E | Eaker, Ira C. Early, Stephen Eastman, Joseph B. Eaton, Fredrick M. Echeverri-Cortes, Mrs. Carlos ECOSOC Eisenhower, Milton S. Eliot, George Fielding |
Ellsworth, Robert Ely, Joseph B. Ely, Paul Endicott, Mrs. William C. Ernst, Morris Essex Club Everett, Evelyn Clay Evers, Howard W. |
F | Fanfani, Amintore Farley, James A. Farley, John W. Fawzi, Mahmoud Feinman, Ronald Feldman, Trude B. Felt, Benjamin F. Fergusson, Robert G. Field, Janet F. Finch, Robert H. Finger, Seymour Maxwell Finletter, Thomas K. Finstrom, Carol Fischer, Robert Fischer, Rudi Fisk, Shirley Carter Flemming, Arthur S. Flexner, James Thomas Ford, Gerald R., Jr. |
Ford, Henry II Fordham, Laurence S. Forrestal Diary (Publication of) Forrestal, James V. Forrestal, Michael V. Foster, William C. Fox, John Foxhall, George Frankfurter, Felix Franklin, George S., Jr. Franklin, H. Bruce Frederica, Queen of Greece Frelinghuysen, Peter, Jr. Fuess, Claude Moore Fulbright, J. William Fuller, Alvan T. Fulton, James G. Furstenberg, Freiin Wiltraud Von |
G | Gabrielson, Guy George Galbraith, John Kenneth Gallagher, Robert P. Gamage, Virginia C. Gandhi, Indira Gard, Richard Al Gardner, Richard Garment, Leonard Geass, E.L.N. George, Walter F. Georges-Picot, Jacques Georgetown University Gerard, James W. Germany, American Council on Gibbons, Charles Giles, Frank S. Gilhooley, John J. Giscard D'Estaing, Valery Gish, Lillian Goheen, Robert F. Goldberg, Arthur J. |
Goldberg, David B. Goldwater, Barry Goodman, Allan E. Gordenker, Leon Goulding, Phil G. Graham, Katharine Grant, Robert Grenfell, Sir Wilfred Greenough, Malcolm W. Grey of Fallodon, Lord Gridiron Club Griess, Thomas E. Griswold, Erwin N. Griswold Whitney Gross, Ernest A. Gruenther, Alfred M. Guggenheimer, Morley Gullion, Edmund A. Gustafson, Milton O. Guttenberg, Freiherr Karl Theodor Von Und Zu Gwinn, David B. |
H | Habib, Philip C. Hagedorn, Hermann Haig, Alexander M., Jr. Hall, Leonard W. Halle, Kay Halsey, William F. Hammarskjold, Dag Hammond, John Hays Hammond, Mason Hancock, John, Mutual Life Insurance Company Hannigan, Judson Hansbury, J. Samuel Hanson, Elisha Harlow, Bryce N. Harper's Magazine Harper and Row Publishers Harmon, E.N. Harriman, W. Averell Harrington, Joseph B. Harron, Robert Hart, Mrs. Moss Harvard University Harvard Presidents Harvard Republican Club Hatch, Franck Hatfield, Mark O. Hawaii (Statehood) Hearst, William Randolph, Jr. Heaton, Leonard D. Heath, Edward Heckler, Margaret M. Hedges, Charles W. Heffelfinger, F. Peavey Heiliger, Klaus Heiskell, Andrew |
Henderson, Loy W. Herter, Christian A. Herter, E. Miles Hesburgh, Theodore M. Heselton, John W. Hewes, James E., Jr. Higgins, John P. Hickenlooper, Bourke B. High Voltage Engineering Corporation Hillenbrand, Martin J. Hillman, Serrell Hilsman, Roger Hoagland, M.B. Hoegh, Leo A. Hoffman, Paul G. Holbrooke, Richard Holland, Spessard L. Hollister, Paul Holmes, Oliver Wendell Hoover, Herbert Hoover, Herbert, Jr. Hoppenot, Henri Hopper, Bruce Horan, Charles Francis Horovitz Workmen's Compensation Library Hotchkis, Preston Hovey, Chandler Howard, Roy W. Hoyt, Palmer Human Events Magazine Humphrey, George M. Humphrey, Hubert H. Humphreys, William Arthur Huss, Pierre J. Hyland, C.K. |
I | Ickes, Harold L. Imhof, Nancy Ingalls, David S. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development |
Irwin, John N. Irwin, Wallace, Jr. Ives, Irving M. |
J | Jackling, R.W. Jackson, C.D. Jackson, Henry M. Jackson, Russell Leigh Jacquemart, Andre Javits, Jacob K. Jebb, Sir Gladwyn (Baron Gladwyn, Lord Gladwyn) Jenkins, Burris, Jr. Jessup, John K. Jewish Supporters of H.C.L. John Paul II, Pope Johnson, Howard D. |
Johnson, Louis A. Johnson, Lyndon B. Johnson, Peer P. Johnson, U. Alexis Jones, John A. Jones, Robert T., Jr. Jorden, William J. Joyce, Edmund P. Jubilee Yacht Club Judd, Walter H. Juin, (Marechal) Alphonse |
K | Kahn, Ronald R. Kaye, Mrs. Danny Keedick Lecture Bureau, Inc. Kefauver, Estes Kelley, William F. Kendall, David W. Kennedy Edward M. Kennedy, John F. Kennedy, Joseph P. Kennedy, Moorhead C., Jr. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Stephen P. Kenny, Herbert A. Kerr, Clark Kerr, George V. Key, David McK. Khan, Aga Khan, Prince Aly S. Khan, Thanat |
Khrushchev, Nikita Kirk, Alexander Kisssinger, Henry A. Klutznick, Philip M. Knight, Goodwin J. Knight, John S. Knowland, William F. Knowlton, Kenneth A. Knowlton, William A. Knox, Dudley W. Kohler, Foy D. Koppelmann, Elmer Kornfeld, Albert Kosciusko-Morizet, Jacques Kotschnig, Walter Krock, Arthur Kuchel, Thomas H. Kunhardt, Philip B. |
L | Laboulaye, Francois de La Farge, Henry A. Lafollette, Charles M. Lafollette, Robert M. Lafontant, Jewel LaGuardia, Fiorello H. Laird, Melvin R. Lall, Arthur Lamont, Gordon Lamont, Thomas S. Landon, Alf M. Lansdale, Edward G. Larmon, Sigurd S. Larsen, Roy E. Larson, Arthur Larteguy, Jean Lasky, Victor Lawford, Valentine G.N. Lawrence, Amory A. Lawrence, Frederic C. Lawrence, James Lawrence, John S. Lawrence, (Bishop) William Leach, W. Barton Lebel, Remy LeClerc, Jean Lefkowitz, Louis J. Lemay, Curtis E. LeMercier, Claude Leonhart, William Leoni, E.H. |
Lequerica, Josefina Ramirez de Library of Congress Lie, Trygve Live Magazine Liles, Allen Lindsay, Franklin A. Linen, James A. Lippmann, Walter Lloyd, Selwyn Lodge, George Cabot, Jr. Lodge, George Cabot, Jr. Senate Campaign of 1962 Lodge, Henry Cabot, Sr. Lodge, Henry Sears Lodge, John Davis Lodge Villa Lomax, Terrance J., Jr. Longarini, G. N. Longworth, Nicholas, Mrs. Lord, Mary (Mrs. Oswald B.) Lothian, Marquees of Lothrop, Francis B. Loud Patricia Lovestone, Jay Lovett, Robert A. Lovett, Robert W., Mrs. Luce, Clare Boothe Luce, Henry R. Luce, Stephen Ludlow, James M. |
M | MacArthur, Douglas MacGillivary, Charles A. MacNeil, Neil MacNider, Hanford MacOmber, William B., Jr. MacVeagh, Charlton Macy, John W., Jr. Mahoney, John P.S., Jr. Maguire, Ellen Fallon Magnuson, Warren G. Mangone, Gerard J. Mansfield, Mike Marcus, Richard W. Marks, Leonard H. Martin, Graham Martin, John S. Martin, Joseph W., Jr. Mason, Norman P. Mathias, Charles McC., Jr. Maule, Henry P. Mayers, Henry Mayo, Charles G. Mayo, Katherine McAuliffe, Charlotte M. McAuliffe, Edward F. McCall, Thomas McCann, Kevin McCardle, Carl W. McCarthy, Joseph R. McClellan, John L. McCloy, John J. McCorison, Marcus A. McCormack, John W. McCormack, Robert R. McCoy, Frank Ross McCrary, John Reagan McCue, Cynthia B. McCullough, G.S. McCutcheon, P.S., Mrs. McFarland, John Joseph McGill, Ralph McGrath, Thomas L. McGrory, Mary McKeldin, Theodore R. McKellar, Kenneth McKone, John R. McLaughlin, Kathleen McLean, Daniel E. McNary, Charles McQuillan, Mary K. Means, Augustus G. Meany, George |
Medeiros, Humberto Cardinal Mee, Charles L., Jr. "Meet the Press" Meizler, Lauri Mele, Don A. Melson, C.L. Menon, V.K. Krishna Merritt, S.A. Metman, Claude Metress, Patrick A. Metropolitan Club Metternich-Winneberg, Princess Tatiana Von Meyers, Howard Mickelson, Sig Middlesex School Miki, Takeo Miller, William E. Miller, William J. Mills, Ogeden L. Mintener, Bradshaw Mitchell, James P. Moch, Jules Moen, Harlan G. Monks, John Peabody Monnet, Jean Monro, C. Bedell Montgomery, John D. Moore, Francis D. Moore, Jonathan Moorman, Lewis J., Jr. Morgan, Allen H. Morgan, James Morris, Brewster H. Morrissey, Nicholas P. Morrow. E. Frederic Morse, F. Bradford Morse, Wayne Morton, Thruston B. (Thurston) Motley, Arthur H. Mullen, Robert R. Muniz, Joao Carlos Murakata, Akiko Murphy, Frank Murphy, George Murphy, James Lawrence Murphy, Ray Murphy, Robert D. Murphy, Timothy J. Mussolini, Benito Myers, J. William Myopia Hunt Club |
N | Nakayama, Riri Napoleon, Prince Louis Nash, Bradley National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Newberry, Cammann Newell, James W. New Hampshire (book about, by Charles Brereton) |
Newsom, Earl Newton, Henry C. New York Times Nixon, Richard M. Norstad, Lauris Nunez-Portuondo, Emilio Nutting, Anthony |
O | Oberdorfer, Don O'Brien, Francis J. O'Brien, Vincent P. Oddie, Tasker L. Olcese, Donald |
Olmstead, Freeman Bruce Olmstead, J. Blaine Osborne, Stanley DeJ. Osman, Yacoub |
P | Pantaleoni, Helenka Pappas, John C. Pappas, Thomas A. Parker, Chauncey Parker, Daniel P. Parsons, Geoffrey Patria E Lavoro Society Patterson, Richard C., Jr. Patterson, Robert P. Patton, George S., Jr. Paul, Randolph Paulsen, Norman Payne, Frederick B. Peabody, Endicott Pedersen, Richard F. Pennoyer, Robert M. Percy, Charles H. Persons, Wilton B. Pheiffer, William T. |
Phillips, Christopher H. Phillips, Neill Phillips, William Pihl, Marshall R. Pinkham, Charles H. Pinkley, Virgil Pleven, Rene Poletti, Charles Polls (significance of in elections) Poppeliers, John Porter, William J. Powers, John E. Price, Don K. Prince, Gordon Princi, Peter W. Puhan, Alfred Pulliam, Eugene Pusey, Nathan M. Pyle, Howard |
Q | Quie, Albert H. Quinlan, John M. |
Quigley, Thomas B. |
R | Rabb, Maxwell M. Rabb, Ruth (Mrs. Maxwell M.) Rafferty, James Ramsbotham, Sir Peter Rathbone, Monroe Jackson Rawlings, E.W. Reader's Digest Reagan, Ronald Reece, Brazilla Carroll Reed, Charles S. Reid, Ogden R. Resnick, Charles H. Reuther, Walter P. Reynaud, Paul Reynolds, Betty A. Reynolds, Bruce Reynolds, Robert R. Richardson, Elliot L. Richardoz, Lucien Riesel, Victor Roach, Hal E. Roberts, Clifford Robertson, A. Willis Robertson, Edward V. Robinson, Denis M. |
Rocco, Giselle B. V. Rochedieu, Violette Perrenond Rockefeller, John Davison, 3rd Rockefeller, Nelson A. Rogers, William P. Romney, George Romulo, Carlos P. Rooney, John J. Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr. Roosevelt, Nicholas Rose, H. Chapman Rosenbaum, William Morris Rosenberg, Case Ross, John C. Ross, Nellie Tayloe Rostow, Walt W. Rowan, Marcia A. Rubottom, Roy R., Jr. Rumsfeld, Donald Rush, Kenneth Rusk, Dean Rusk, Howard A. Ryan, John L., Jr. |
S | St. Albans School St. Louis Post-Dispatch St. Paul's Within-the-Walls Salerno, Joseph Salinger, Pierre Salm, Peter A. Salomon, Irving Saltonstall, Leverett Saltonstall, Sally Saltonstall, William L. Saltzman, Charles E. Samuelson, Rupert San Francisco Examiner Sarnoff, David Sarros, Peter Saturday Evening Post Scali, John A. Scelba, Prime Minister [Mario] Schaetzel, J. Robert Schepens, Charles L. Schmidt, Adolph Schroeder, Gerhard Schuck, Victoria Schuyler, George S. Schwartz, Arthur Schwarz, Frederick A. O. Schwien, Edwin E. Scranton, William W. Scribner, Fred C., Jr. Sears, Henry Francis, II Sears, John W. Sears, Mason Seaton, Fred A. Seidman, L. William Semmes, John Gibson Seward, William W. Seymour, Paul E. Shanley, Bernard M. Sharp, Allen Sheehan, Neil Sheen, Fulton J. Short, W. C. Shotwell, James T. Shriver, Robert Sargent, Jr. Sibley, Alden K. Sieverts, Frank A. Sihanouk, Prince Norodom Silver, Abba Hillel Simmons, Edward Simon, Caroline K. Sisco, Joseph J. |
Skouras, Spyros P. Slim, Mongi Small, Ernest H. Smedberg, William R., III Smeterlin, Edith Smith, Beverly, Jr. Smith, Gerard C. Smith, H. Alexander Smith, James H., Jr. Smith, Margaret Chase Smith, Peter Smith, Walter Bedell Soames, Christopher Spaak, Paul-Henri Sparkman, John J. Spaulding, Josiah A. Speeches/Press Releases (of Henry Cabot Lodge) Spellman, Francis Cardinal Spiegel, Jacob Spivak, Lawrence E. Stanford University Stanton, Frank Stark, Richard Boies Stassen, Harold E. Steelman, John R. Steinert, Alan Steinhardt, Laurence A. Stennis, John C. Stepanovich, Nick T. Stephens, Thomas E. Stern, Thomas Stettinius, Edward Reilly, Jr. Stevens, George Stevenson, Adlai E. Stewart, Michael Stickney, Henry A. Stimson, Henry L. Stout, Rex Storey, Richard C. Storey, Robert G. Strauss, Lewis L. Stratton, Samuel S. Stuart, Sir Campbell Sullivan, William H. Sulzberger, Arthur Hays Sulzberger, C. L. Swift, John Edward Swihart, James W. Swope, Herbert Bayard Symington, W. Stuart |
T | Taft, Robert A. Taft, Robert, Jr. Taylor, Charles H. Taylor, Maxwell D. Tehan, Arline B. Tetler, James R. Thailand (Ambassador) Thant, U Thayer, Robert Thayer, Walter N. Thom, Corcoran, Jr. Thompson, Llewellyn E. Thompson, Sir Robert Thurman, Roy Tillinghast, Charles C., Jr. |
Time Magazine Tobey, Charles W. Tobin, Maurice J. Todd, Eleanor (Mrs. Webster) Tolstoy, countess Alexandra Treadway, Richard Trice, J. Mark Truman, Harry S. Tubman, William V.S. Tufts, Henry H. Tupper, Eleanor Tuttle, Elbert P. Tidings, Eleanor (Mrs. Millard) Tyler, William R. |
U | United Nations: Confirmation as Ambassador United Nations: HCL Opinion of |
Urban Coalition U.S. Command of Foreign Military Personnel |
V | Valentin, Michel Valeo, Francis R. Van Deerlin, Lionel Van Zandt, James E. Vance, Cyrus R. Vandenberg, Arthur H. Vandenberg Resolution Vann, John Paul Vanuxem, General |
Varga, Bela Veterans of Foreign Wars Villamin, Vincente Volpe, John A. Volpe, S. Peter Volunteer Freedom Corps Voorhees, Tracy S. Vyshinsky, Anatoly Y. |
W | Wadsworth, James J. Wadsworth, Reverdy Wagner, J. Addington Wagner, Robert F. Wainhouse, David Wald, Jerry Waldheim, Kurt Walker, Stanley Walker, William O. Wallace, Mike Walsh, David I. Walsh, John Walt, Lewis W. Wang, Tsio-Yong Wardwell, J. Otis Warner, Richard Warren, Earl Warren, Shields Washburn, Abbott Watson, Albert S. Wayne, John Weaver, Arthur J. Weaver, William O. Webb, James E. Webster, Edwin S. Weeks, Sinclair Weeks, William D. Wellington, Rebecca G.P. Westmoreland, William C. Wheeler, Burton K. Wheeler, Earle G. Wheeler, Mary (Mrs. Bancroft C.) White, Kevin H. White, Robert M., II |
White, Thomas W. White, Wallace H., Jr. White, William A. Whitney, John Hay Whittier, Sumner G. Wilcox, Francis O. Wilkins, Roy Wilkinson, Clarence S. Wilkinson, L. Williams, Aubrey Williams, James T., Jr. Williams, John J. Williams, Ira J. Williams, W. Walter Willis, Charles F., Jr. Williston, Arthur L. Willkie, Wendell L. Willoughby, Charles A. Wilson, Bob Wilson, Charles E. Wilson, Samuel V. Wilson, Woodrow Winship, Larry Winslow, Richard S. Winter, John Alexander Wisner, Frank G. Wister, Owen World Almanac Wright, John Wright, Lloyd Wulfing, Peter Wylie, Craig Wylie, J. C. Wyzanski, Charles E. |
Y | Young, Andrew Young, Benjamin Loring |
Young, Kenneth T., Jr. Young, Milton R. |
Z | Zeeland, Paul Van Zipf, George Kingsley |
Zorlu, N. Fatin Rustu |
Vietnam Papers: General Correspondent and Subject List
Listed here are correspondents and subjects appearing in Series V of this collection.
A | Abrams, Creighton W. Ambassador's Duties Announcement (July 8, 1965) Anti-Americanism |
Appointment and Resignation Assassination Assets and Liabilities |
B | Ball, George W. Becker, William A. Bennett, John T. Berger, Samuel D. Berlin, Richard E. Black, Eugene R. Bolton, Frances P. |
Braddock, Daniel M. Browne, Malcolm W. Buddhists in Vietnam Bumgardner, Everett F. Bundy, McGeorge Bundy, William P. Bush, George |
C | Calhoun, John A. Can, Ngo Dinh Carver, George Carver, Michael Casualties (military Catholics in Vietnam Cercle Sportif Saigonais Chan, Nguyen Hou Chiu, Ban It Citizens' Committee for Peace with Freedom in Viet-Nam Civilian Casualties Co, Nguyen Huu Collins, Arthur S. Communism |
Confidence Course Congratuations Congressmen Constitution Consultant to the President Cooper, Chester L. Cordier, Andrew W. Corruption in the Military Coup of November 1, 1963 Coup of January 1964 Coup of December 1964 Crisis of Spring 1966 Crittenberger, Willis A. |
D | Davis, John E. Declaration of War Departure Letters (1964 Compliments) De Puy, Williams E. Diem, Ngo Dinh |
Diplomatic Notes Disosway, G.P Don, Tran Van Driver, W.J Duncan, Robert B. |
E | Education Eifler, C.W. Elections-Vietnam |
Evans, Tad Expenditures |
F | France Freedom House Public Affairs Institute Frosch, Robert A. |
Fulbright, J.W. Fulton, James G. |
G | Gardner, John W. Garst, Roswell Gaud, William S. George, Robert J. G.I. Bill Gifts Gilligan, John J. Gladwyn, Lord Gleason, Thomas W. Godley, G. McMurtrie |
Goldberg, Arthur J. Goodpaster, A.J. Gorman, Frederick G. Grandjean, Madame -- Grandjean, Philippe Greeley, Dana McLean Guerilla Warfare Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Guy, William L. |
H | Habib, Philip C. Ham, Lewis, Jr. Hand, Lloyd N. Hanna, Richard T. Harriman, W. Averell Harrold, Jacques Hart, J.L Hatfield, Mark O. Hathaway, William D. Haugerud, Howard E. Hays, Wayne L. Hearst, William Randolph, Jr. Heffelfinger, F. Peavey Heintges, John A. Hertz, Gustav C., Mrs. |
Higgins, Elmer M., Jr. Hilsman, Roger Hinckley, William Kenneth, Jr. Hoach, Le Van Hobby, Oveta Culp Holland, Spessard L. Holmes, Julius C. Holt, Harold Honolulu Meeting Hop Tac Hope, Bob Hughes, Richard J. Humphreys, James W., Jr. Huntley, Chet Hyland, John J. |
I | Ignatius, Paul R. | International Voluntary Services (IVS) |
J | Jacbson George D. James, Hatcher M., Jr. Jen, H.P. Jessup, John K. Johnson, Lyndon B. Johnson, Nicholas |
Johnson, Norvel N. Johnson, U. Alexis Josephson, Robert L. Jouve, Robert Judiciary Committee Just, Ward |
K | Kalischer, Peter KATUSA (Korean Augmentation Troops to U.S. Army) Katzenbach, Nicholas DeB. Kennedy, Robert F. Khanh, Nguyen Kilpatrick, Carroll |
Kinnard, Harry W.O. Kissinger, Henry A. Kohler, Foy D. Komer, Robert W. Kuntze, Archie C. Ky, Nguyen Cao |
L | Labor (Program for Reform) Lake, William A.K. Land Reform Lanham, Charles T. Lansdale, Edward G. Larsen, Stanley R. Larteguy, Jean Legality of U.S. Position in Vietnam Leonard, Colonel -- Leonhart, William |
Lessons of Vietnam Letourneau, Jean Lewis, Robert A. Lien, Hu Life Magazine Article: "Persistence in Vietnam: Lilienthal, David E. Loan, Nguyen, Ngoc Lodge, George Cabot Long An Province Lottery (For VIetnam Nantional Housing Fund) |
M | MacArthur, Douglas, II Malmberg, Eric Mangham, T.G., Jr. Mann, Charles A. Mansfield, Mike Marcos, Ferdinand E. Marines Marsh, William H. Martin, Graham Matthews, H. Freeman, Jr. McCarthy, Joseph F. McCarthy, RIchard D. McCormack, John W. McGee, Gale W. McGrath, Thomas C., Jr. McNamara, Robert S. |
McNaughton, John T. Merchant, Livingston T. Miki, Takeo Military in Vietnam Miller, Bryce B. Mills, Wilbur D. Minetrakinetra, Bancha Mohr, Charles Momyer, William W. Moore, David J. Moore, Joseph H. Morse, F. Bradford Moyers, Bill D. Murphy, Robert D. Murphy, Thomas J. |
N | Negotiations Nhat, Truong Duy |
Nitze, Paul H. |
O | Oakes, John B. O'Connell, R. O'Konski, Alvin E. |
Open Roads Ortona, Egidio |
P | Pacification Palmer, Joseph, 2nd Patton, James R., Jr. Peadley, Willie C. Peirce, Neal R. Phan Thanh Gian Families Philippines Phillips, Richard I. Pike, Douglas Poats, Rutherford M. |
Poff, Richard H. Police Field Forces Porter, D. Gareth Porter, William J. Post Reports Powell, Herbert B. Prepatory Papers before Becoming Ambassador (1963) Press--Articles Prisoners Provincial Reconnaissance Unit |
Q | Quang, Thich Tri Quat, Phan Huy |
Quesada, E.R. |
R | Ramsey, Douglas K. Reed, John H. Refugees Reidy, Mary Reinhardt, G. Frederick Reston, James Reynolds, Cyril F. Rice, Edward E. Revolutionary Development Robertson, A. Willis |
Rockefeller, David Rockefeller, Nelson A. Rodino, Peter W., Jr. Romney, George Roosevelt, Franklin D. Rostow, Eugene Rusk, Dean Rusk, Howard A. Russel, Eliott |
S | Salisbury, Charlotte Young (Mrs. Harrison E.) Salisbury, Harrison E. Saltonstall, Leverett Sauvezon, Marie-Georges Schmaus, Leroy D. Schwartz, Abba Scranton, William W. Secrest, Robert T. Settlement Shaplen, Robert Shin, Sang Chul Sisco, Joseph J. Sisk, Bernard F. Skouras, Spyros P. Smith, Bedell |
Smith, Margaret Chase Song, Yong Eik Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) Spellman, Francis Cardinal Stark, Richard B. Statements/Remarks about Vietnam Steinbeck, John Stewart, Potter Stinchfield, Frank E. Storey, Richard C. Students (Vietnamese) in U.S. Swanstrom, Edward E. Symington, James W. Symington, Stuart |
T | Tabarena, Santiago Tanham, George K. Tao, Nguyen Van Taylor, Maxwell D. Tchen, Hou-Jou Teague, Charles M. Teague, Olin E. Television (Responses to Interviews on TV) Teo, Nguyen Van Terrorism--Viet Cong Use of Terror Thi, Hue, Le Thich, Tam Chau Theilman, Calvin |
Thieu, Nguyen Van Thompson, Sir Robert Thurmond, Strom U.S.S. Tortuga Trip Tower, John G. Trager, Frank N. Tran, Van Chuong Tran, Van Do Tran, Van Don Tran, Van Khien Trinquier, Roger Tsiang, Tingfu F. Tydings, Joseph D. |
U | Unification United Nations |
United States in Vietnam |
V | Valenti, Jack Van, Mrs. Tran Van Vance, Cyrus Vickery, Ray Vietcong (Composition of) Vietnam: Background Vietnam: Bombings Vietnam: Briefing Papers Vietnam: Chinese Communists |
Vietnam: Opinions Vietnam: Papers/Remarks Vietnam: Rebuttals Vietnam: Saturday Evening Post Article Vietnam: Speech Material Vietnam: Sympathy Letters Vietnam: U.S. Presence VIP Visitors |
W | Walt, Lewis W. Wehrle, Roy Westmoreland, William C. Weyand, Fred C. Whalley, J. Irving Wheeler, Earle G. White, Paul Dudley |
White, William L. Whitener, Basil L. Willimas, Ogden Wilson, Richard L. Wilson, Samuel V. Wives of Personnel |
Y | Young, Kenneth T., Jr. Young, Milton R. |
Young, Whitney M., Jr. |
Z | Zorthian, Barry |
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Photographs from this collection have been removed to the Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. photographs II, ca. 1880-1979. Photo. Coll. 185.
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Henry Cabot Lodge papers II, Massachusetts Historical Society.
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