1845-1991; bulk: 1874-1937
Guide to the Collection
Restrictions on Access
The Joseph Lee papers are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or reference@joker47.net.
The collection consists of the papers of social worker and philanthropist Joseph Lee of Boston and Brookline, Mass., 1874-1937; and papers of related Lee and Colt family members, 1845-1991. Included are papers related to the various social and educational organizations Joseph Lee was involved with, most notably the Immigration Restriction League, Massachusetts Civic League, Playground and Recreation Association of America, Boston School Committee, War Camp Community Service, the Community Service of Boston, Inc., and Harvard University.
Biographical Sketch
Joseph Lee was born 8 March 1862 in Boston, Mass. He was the son of Henry Lee, a Boston banker, and Elizabeth Perkins Cabot Lee of Brookline, Mass. He prepared for college at the Nobles School in Boston and then attended Harvard and Harvard Law School, graduating in 1883 and 1887 respectively. Joseph Lee never practiced law, but as a social worker, author, and philanthropist, he sought to strengthen community life through playgrounds and play, eliminate social problems, and promote social legislation. He was often referred to as "the grandfather of play."
In 1897, Joseph Lee married Margaret Cabot, who was involved with the kindergarten movement and the work of German educator Friedrich Froebel. In Brookline, Mass., they raised four children: Margaret Lee (later Woodbury Southard), Susan Mary Lee, Joseph Lee, and Amy Lee (later Colt). Margaret Cabot Lee died in 1920, and in 1930 Joseph Lee remarried, this time to his secretary Marion Snow.
Joseph Lee was the founder and president of the Massachusetts Civic League, 1897-1937; an active officer in the Immigration Restriction League, 1905-1937; vice-president and president of the Playground and Recreation Association of America, 1906-1937; president of the National Recreation Association, 1910-1937; member of the Boston School Committee, 1909-1917; member of the Committee on Training Camp Activities, 1917-1919; president of the War Camp Community Service and its successor Community Service of Boston, Inc.; and an overseer of Harvard University, 1918-1921, 1928-1934.
Joseph Lee was the author of many articles and books on recreation, education, social work, economics, and democracy, including Constructive and Preventive Philanthropy (1902) and Play in Education (1916). He also published numerous newspaper columns, letters to the editor, and poems, some under the pseudonym Jocelyn.
In 1937, Joseph Lee died from pneumonia while at his family home in Cohasset, Mass. He was buried in the Walnut Hills Cemetery in Brookline, Mass. His social and philanthropic work was continued by his children, and for many years, Joseph Lee Day was celebrated across the country.
Collection Description
The collection consists of the papers of social worker and philanthropist Joseph Lee of Boston and Brookline, Mass., 1874-1937; and papers of related Lee and Colt family members, 1845-1991. The collection, housed in 49 record cartons, is organized into three series: I. Joseph Lee professional papers, II. Joseph Lee family papers, and III. Colt family papers.
The professional papers include letters, drafts of books and articles, clippings, printed matter, and research notes from the various social and educational organizations Joseph Lee was involved with, most notably the Immigration Restriction League (concerning the campaign for a literacy test for voters and immigrants), Massachusetts Civic League, Playground and Recreation Association of America, Boston School Committee, War Camp Community Service, the Community Service of Boston, Inc., and Harvard University. The professional papers also include subject files organized by Joseph Lee documenting his interest in various social issues used for his writings.
Personal papers of Joseph Lee and Lee family papers include Joseph Lee's correspondence with his family and friends, including his first and second wives, Margaret Cabot and Marion Snow Lee; parents Henry and Elizabeth Perkins Lee; siblings Elliot Cabot and George Lee and Elizabeth Lee Shattuck; and children Susan, Margaret, and Joseph Lee, Jr. Personal papers also include diaries; fictional writings; personal financial information; genealogical information gathered by Joseph Lee and other family members; and correspondence, writing, and research by other Lee family members.
Colt family papers consist of correspondence between Joseph Lee's daughter Amy Lee and her husband Charles "Chis" Cary Colt and correspondence between other Colt family members, 1901-1991. Correspondents include Timothy Pickering, Patrick Tracy, Charles C. Colt, Jr., Margaret Cabot, Sylvia, and Joseph Lee Colt.
Acquisition Information
The bulk of Joseph Lee's professional papers were given to the Massachusetts Historical Society in September 1982 by his daughter Susan Mary Lee through his grandchildren Amy Domini Kinder and Peter Kinder of Cambridge, Mass. Joseph Lee's personal and family papers, along with some additional professional papers, were donated by Amy Domini Kinder in November 1996, and the Colt family papers were donated by Susan Colt Doolittle, March 1997. The diary/commonplace-book of Amy Lee Colt was given to the Massachusetts Historical Society by Susan Colt Doolittle in March 2011.
Restrictions on Access
The Joseph Lee papers are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or reference@joker47.net.
Detailed Description of the Collection
I. Joseph Lee professional papers, 1874-1937
A. Immigration Restriction League, 1874-1937
This subseries contains records of the Immigration Restriction League kept by Joseph Lee in his capacity as officer and member. The bulk of the materials consist of correspondence regarding daily activities of the organization, publications by the Immigration Restriction League such as annual reports and bulletins, and publications related to or about the Immigration Restriction League. The subseries also includes writings by Joseph Lee about immigration.
Constitution [typescript], ca. 1905
Correspondence, 1874-Feb. 1922
Correspondence, Mar. 1922-1937
Joseph Lee writings [manuscript notes], ca. 1906
Joseph Lee writings [typescripts], [1907-1917]
James H. Patten radio speech, 27 Oct. 1927
James H. Patten Congressional hearing, [Aug.] 1937
Immigration Restriction League publications
Annual reports, 1922-1935
Bulletins, 1926-1937
Publications of the IRL, Nos. 2-76 (with gaps), 1894-1921
Pamphlets and flyers, 1895-1934
Related publications
Congressional hearings, 1909-1927
Congressional hearings, 1928-1937
Congressional Record, 1912-1933
American Statistical Association, 1906-1916
Community Americanization, 1920
Economic Geography, 1925
Eugenical News, 1928
Facts on Immigration, 1907
Geographical Review, 1920-1928
Immigration articles by Robert DeCourtney Ward, 1904-1925
Immigration, 1906
Immigration, by Eugene Hecker, [1912]
Immigration, by M. Victor Safford, 1912
Immigration Commission, 1910
Immigration into the United States, by Jesse Chickering, 1848
Immigration Laws and Regulations, 1893
International Conciliation, 1825
"Irish Question" publications, 1918-1919
Labor Bulletin, 1906
League for Preventative Work publications, 1918
Liberal Immigration League publications, 1906-1912
National Committee for Constructive Immigration Legislation publications, 1919
The Negro Question, by Moorfield Storey, 1918
Population Prosperity, by Frank A. Fetter, 1913
Restriction of Japanese Immigration, 1905
Robert DeCourtney Ward, by Robert Tracy Jackson, 1932
Selection of Immigration, by Prescott F. Hall, 1932
A State Program for the Care of the Mentally Defective, by Walter E. Fernald, 1919
Supplement to the New World, by Isaiah Bowman, 1923
Pamphlets and flyers, 1893-1937
Pamphlets and flyers, 1905-1934
(Oversize)Clippings, 1891-1935
B. Massachusetts Civic League, 1891-1936
This subseries contains records of the Massachusetts Civic League kept by Joseph Lee, who was the founder and president of the organization, and includes correspondence regarding daily activities of the organization; committee records related to specific social issues such as child welfare, housing, and public service; records of the Citizen's Calendar distributed by the Massachusetts Civic League; and questions and responses to a social services survey conducted in various Massachusetts towns in 1901. The subseries also includes writings by Joseph Lee and printed material.
Constitution, [1898]
Correspondence and notes, 1892-1935
Financial records, 1929-1935
Billboard Law Committee, 1915-1935
Causes and Cures of Crime Committee, 1892-1936
Child Welfare Committee, 1898-1934
Education Committee, 1906-1934
Housing Committee, 1904-1934
Kindergarten Committee, 1909-1933
Legislation and Administration Committee, 1917-1936
More Women in Law Enforcement Committee, 1928-1933
Motion Picture Committee, 1929-1935
Public Health Committee, 1920-1935
Public Service Committee, 1932-1935
Town Protection Committee, 1928
Citizens Calendar
Correspondence, 1915-1917
Notes and typescripts, 1915
Drafts, 1916
Printed calendars, 1917
Social Services Survey
Questions and lists of Massachusetts towns, 1901
Responses, Towns A-Y, 1901
The Town Room, 1905-1935
Subject files
Death of Winona Osbourne Pinkham, 1930
Dinner for Joseph Lee, 1936
Dinner for Joseph Lee certificates, 1936
(Oversize)Episcopal diocese, 1928
Gambling, 1933-1934
Old Age Pension bill, 1923-1924
Private Charities bill, 1897-1932
Public Welfare, 1891-1932
Unpaid boards, 1914-1918
"Don't Tie on the Flowers...," 1913-1928
"Early History of the Massachusetts Civic League," 1928
"The Gang Universal" [radio speech], ca. 1920
"The Massachusetts Senate," ca. 1920
"My First Interest in Philanthropy," ca. 1920
"A New Law for Massachusetts Children...," 1932
"The Relations of Corporations to the Legislature," 1910-1911
"Righteousness by Statute" [drafts], 1915-1933
"What I Want," ca. 1920
Printed material, 1904-1937
Clippings, 1891-1936
C. Playground and Recreation Association of America, 1888-1962
This subseries contains records of the Playground and Recreation Association of America (later the National Recreation Association) kept by Joseph Lee while serving as vice-president and president and includes correspondence, meeting minutes, financial records, writings by Joseph Lee related to playgrounds and play, scrapbooks related to the Columbus Avenue playground, printed material, and subject files related to fundraising, the Community Chest, playgrounds, and events.
Correspondence, 1892-1930
Correspondence, 1905-1932
Correspondence, 1931-1938
Meeting minutes, 1927-1936
Financial records, 1904-1935
Subject files, 1904-1935
Appeals, 1916-1936
Arts, 1929-1932
Bequests, 1926
Betters Homes Banquet, 1928-1929
Robert S. Chase, 1928
City planning, 1925-1934
The Community Chest, 1925-1928
Community Service of Boston, Inc., 1929-1930
Abbie Condit, 1922-1931
Elizabethtown (Tennessee), 1929
Finance Commission hearing, 1916
Frothingham Memorial Park, 1929-1930
General Conference on Open Spaces, 1890-1899
International Music Festival, 1929-1935
Lawrence Pearsall Jacks, 1930-1931
Legislation, 1930-1931
(Oversize)Miniature Aircraft Tournament, 1928
Charles E. Magoon bequest, 1925-1927
National Recreation School, 1928-1936
New Year's Scroll with co-workers signatures, 1936
North American Review, 1928
William J. Norton, 1928
Physical education, 1921-1929
Playgrounds, 1901-1934
Racism, 1922-1927
Religion, 1925
Jacob Riis, 1902-1908
Rockefeller Foundation, 1927-1929
School lunches, 1906-1910
Schoolyards, 1899-1905
Slow clubs, 1927
Ellen M. Tower dinner, 1926-1927
Twentieth Century Club, 1927-1928
Works Progress Administration, 1936
Young Men's Christian Association College, 1935
Miscellaneous research notes
Photo captions for unidentified publication, ca. 1904
Chapters 1-12: Unidentified publication, ca. 1924-1933
"1933 Report of the Boston Park Department"
"American Musical Expression," Feb. 1927
"Aristotle's Politics"
"The Beginning of the Playground Movement"
"Boston's Family Welfare Society"
"The Boy and His Leisure," 16 Mar. 1929
"Brief Summary of National Recreation Association Philosophy"
"Children and Tomorrow's Leisure," 1931
"The Community," ca. 1925
"Competition," ca. 1932
"Early Days: A History of the Playground Association of America"
"Eastern Massachusetts Recreation Executive Council," 1932
"The Economics of Scenery"
"Examples of New England Communities Which Have Organized Recreation Programs"
"Fathers and Mothers Clubs"
"Feeling the Spirit of Childhood," 1922
"Football Psychology"
"The Fountain of Youth"
"The Gang Universal," 1932
"The Home Playground," 1908-1925
"A Hundred Playgrounds," poem by Dennis McCarthy, 1920
"Joseph Lee the Godfather of the Playground," by Donald Culross Peattie
"Leisure," ca. 1928-1932
"Leisure, A Menace or an Opportunity?"
"A Message from Lawrence Pearsall Jacks: 26th Annual Meeting of the Playground Recreation Association," [1936]
"My Qualifications as Witness"
"Outdoor Games"
"Play," 1907-1932
"Play and Home," 1913
"Play and Life"
"Play and the Ultimates," 18 Mar. 1921
"Play as Medicine," 1911
"Play in Education," 1914-1936
"The Play of Boys and Girls"
"Play People," 3 Oct. 1929
"Play Talk," ca. 1916
"Play the Architect of Man," 1927
"Playgrounds and the Human Habitat," ca. 1930
"The President's Organization of Unemployment Relief," 1932
"Prisoner's Base," 1907
"Recreation and the Child," 1924
"Recreation Bulletin Service," 1929-1931
"Righteousness by Statute," ca. 1925
"River of Vermont"
"Rhythm, Rum, Social Dancing and Bacchus"
"Sketch Program of Play and Recreation"
"The Spirit of Play"
"Sport and Accomplishment"
"Suggested Questions for District Conferences"
"Sunday Play," ca. 1910
"Supervision of Playgrounds Necessary"
"Things We Had That Do Not Provide for Themselves"
"The Two Realities"
"The Unit of the City: Homes"
"The Use of Outdoors"
"What the Child Needs," 1910
"What the Playground Recreation Association of America is Doing With Reference to Leisure Time"
"What We Did as Children"
"Will Play Stop?"
"Women Have Had a Great Deal to Do...," 1912
Printed material
The Playground, 1907-1917
The Playground, 1919-1929
Playground and Recreation, 1929-1931
Recreation, 1931-1953
The Survey, 1910-1931
PRAA pamphlets and flyers, 1908-1962
Publications, 1893-1940
Publications, 1908-1944
(Oversize)Clippings, 1891-1936
Vol. I. "Columbus Ave. Playground," May-June 1901
Vol. II. "Records of Happenings in regard to Columbus Ave. Playground," July-Dec. 1901
Vol. III. "Chronicle of Happenings at Columbus Ave. Playground," 1902
"General Playground Committee Book," 1901-1903
Joseph Lee playground scrapbook, 1888-1903
D. Boston School Committee, 1897-1934
This subseries consists of records of the Boston School Committee kept by Joseph Lee as a member of the Board of Education and includes correspondence, subject files, and printed material. The subject files, arranged alphabetically, contain records on elections, hygiene, corporal punishment, open-air rooms, teacher salaries, and other topics addressed by the Boston School Committee during Joseph Lee's tenure.
General correspondence, 1902-1934
Subject files
Administration building, 1914-1917
Agendas, 1917
Baths, 1902-1917
Board of Superintendents, 1910-1918
Budget, 1911-1918
Buildings, 1912-1917
Class size, 1910-1916
Coal crisis, 1917-1918
Continuation schools, 1911-1918
Corporal punishment, 1911
Dr. F. B. Dyer appointment, 1912
Elections, 1911-1912
Elections, 1913-1929
Elections, 1914
(Oversize)Evening schools, 1909-1917
Extended use of school buildings, 1901-1917
Farm camps, 1917
"Feeble-minded" children, 1906-1914
Finance Committee of Boston, 1916-1917
Fire regulations, 1915-1917
Gardens, 1915-1917
Graduation talks, 1915
Grammar, 1909-1917
Home visits, 1909-1914
Hygiene, 1907-1917
Intermediate schools, 1916-1917
Investigation and measurement, 1914-1917
Janitors, 1910-1917
Kindergarten, 1909-1928
Legislation, 1910-1919
Meeting notes, 1909-1912
Military drills, 1915-1916
Music, 1912-1918
Naming schools, 1917
Newsboys, 1906-1915
Open-air school rooms, 1907-1909
Open-air school rooms, 1910-1914
Pensions, 1901-1917
Physical education, 1915-1917
Plans and policies, 1911-1917
Plans and policies, printed 1917-1918
Playgrounds, 1899-1917
Political activity of teachers, 1909-1915
Public School Association, 1911-1931
Rules and regulations, 1908-1918
School lunches, 1909-1917
School nurses, 1910-1917
School sites, 1909-1913
School yards, 1909-1917
School yards, [1909]
(Oversize)"The Social Projection of the School," by Joseph Lee, 1907-1908
Special education, 1909-1917
Summer schools, 1915-1917
Teacher appointments, 1913-1917
Teachers' retirement fund, 1914-1915
Teachers' salaries, 1910-1914
Teachers' salaries, 1915-1923
Teachers' salaries, 1917
(Oversize)Teaching methods, 1916
Truancy, 1907-1917
Unit of local government, 1901
Ventilation, 1909-1914
Vocational education, 1893-1922
Printed material
American Statistical Association, June 1907
Annual Report of the School Committee of Boston, 1901
Educational Standards, 1916-1918
School Documents, 1914-1927
U.S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, 1911
Woman's Education Association, 1908-1912
Loose publications, 1897-1927
Clippings, 1908-1927
E. War Camp Community Service, 1901-1935
This subseries consists of records of the War Camp Community Service, which was formed during World War I as an affiliate of the National Recreation Association to provide recreation for soldiers waiting to go overseas and returning from the war. Joseph Lee was the founder and president. The subseries includes correspondence, meeting minutes, and subject files related to demobilization, finances, music, war camps, and the United War Work Campaign, among other subjects.
Constitution, 1918
Meeting minutes, 1925-1928
Correspondence, 1917-1935
Subject files
Bulletins, 1917-1935
Demobilization, 1918-1919
Finances, 1917-1929
Member lists, 1917
Music, 1916-1927
New England Campaign, 1918-1919
Publicity, 1917-1921
"Report on Non Military Organizations," 1918
Seal, ca. 1917
Marion Snow notebook, ca. 1917
United War Work campaign, 1918
War Camps, 1917-1920
Printed material
Community Buildings and War Memorials, 1919
Loose printed material, 1901-1919
F. Community Service of Boston, Inc., 1914-1936
This subseries consists of records of the Community Service of Boston, Inc. (a successor to the War Camp Community Service) kept by president Joseph Lee. The subseries includes correspondence, meeting minutes, subject files, and printed material. The subject files, which are arranged alphabetically, include records of events, committees, music festivals, model boats, and other topics, as well as the writings of Joseph Lee.
Constitution, 1920
Meeting minutes and reports, 1922-1935
Correspondence, 1918-1936
Subject files
Appeals, 1914-1934
Autographs (Jane Addams and Leonard Kraske), 1930-1931
Aviation, 1927-1929
Bulletins, 1919-1928
"The Community Maker of Men," by Joseph Lee, 1923
Hospital committee, 1925-1926
International Music Festival, 1926-1936
Junior Achievement Committee, 1927
Model boats, 1929-1931
Municipal recreation for the unemployed, 1933-1934
Music, 1917-1920
Pageants, 1925-1933
Reports, 1921-1936
"Shall the Vision Fade?" by Joseph Lee, 1919
"Ten Year Survey of the Community Service of Boston," by Eva W. White, 1928
Printed material and clippings, 1933-1935
G. Causes: General subject files, 1876-1937
This subseries contains records maintained by Joseph Lee for research and reference to various social causes. An example of some of the causes represented in the subject files include: birth control, democracy, economics, education, Harvard University, the New England Watch and Ward Society, and Leo Tolstoy, among many others. Many of the subject files contain drafts and research notes of writings by Joseph Lee.
American Civil Liberties Union, 1920
American Idea draft, ca. 1896
Ants, 1912-1922
The Amateur draft, 1923-1926
American Art draft
Appeals, 1905-1937
Art, undated
Art, 1914-1936
Art and Democracy draft, 1923
Bibliographies, 1922-1929
Birth control, 1921-1935
Calvert Round Table, 1929-1930
The Cambridge School, 1931-1934
Cancer, 1919-1921
Charity, 1878-1904
Charity, 1905-1929
Charles River Basin Association, 1927-1929
Children's literature, 1876-1922
City planning, 1915-1931
Civil liberties, 1914-1930
Club memberships, 1919-1930
Committees, 1917-1935
Community Chest, 1917-May 1926
Community Chest, June 1926-1935
Cumberland Falls, Kentucky, 1929
Democracy- Correspondence,1897-1932
Democracy- Writings, A-Eq
Democracy- Writings, Er-Lif
Democracy- Writings, Lim-W
Democracy- Writings, untitled
Democracy- Writings, untitled
Democracy- Writings, research notes
Democracy- Printed material, 1899-1934
Economics- Correspondence, 1905-1935
Economics- Writings, D-W
Economics- Study and teaching, 1881-1928
Economics- Printed material, 1891-1935
Education- Correspondence, 1901-1934
Education- Writings, A-K
Education- Writings, M-V
Education- Writings, miscellaneous
Education- Printed material, 1882-1933
Eggs, undated
Ethnicity, 1910
Eugenics, 1923-1928
Faith, 1925
"The Fallacy of Good Taste"
Fashion, 1900-1921
Floating Hospital, 1925-1927
Foreign affairs, 1900-1935
Foundations and research, 1928-1929
"The Function of Failure"
Government, 1919-1926
Hammond Pond Parkway, 1932-1933
Harvard, 1878-1926
Harvard, 1927-1937
Health, 1899-1930
"The Heresies of Conversation"
Historic preservation, 1933
Instinct, undated
Invitations, 1925-1935
Ireland, 1920-1932
Juvenile delinquency, 1901-1933
Kings, 1914-1933
Language, 1902-1932
Law, 1913-1931
League of Nations, 1919-1935
League of Nations, [1919]
(Oversize)League of Neighbors, 1926-1928
Legislation- Writings, L-T
Leisure, 1916-1933
Liberation, 1925-1933
Letters to the editor- Not published, 1922-1933
Letters to the editor- Published, 1891-1934
Liberalism, 1901-1929
Libraries, 1935
Limits to specialization, undated
Literature- Writings, G-R
Love, undated
Market, 1927
Marriage, 1926-1928
Massachusetts Bay Tercentenary, 1928-1929
Massachusetts Child Labor Committee, undated
H. L. Mencken, 1926
Movies, 1916-1925
Movies, 1926-1934
Music, 1916-1934
New England Watch and Ward Society, 1924-1933
Nursing, 1905-1927
"Our Worst American Fault,"1923
Park Street Church, 1904-1906
Personality, undated
Philosophy, 1909-1931
Politics, 1890-1934
"The Practical Man"
Probation, 1893-1912
Prohibition, 1892-1934
Probation, 1892
(Oversize)Psychology, 1903-1915
Psychology, 1916-1932
Publishing, 1901-1936
Putnam Camp, 1928-1935
Quotations, 1914-1929
Research, miscellaneous, 1915-1935
Religion, 1890-1934
Russia, 1917-1932
Science, 1926-1927
Sermons, 1928
Social work, 1909-1935
Sociology, 1894-1920
Taxation, 1890-1893
Theater, 1920-1935
Leo Tolstoy, ca. 1889-1906
Tributes, 1890-1933
United Jewish Appeal, 1921-1935
Wealth, 1884-1930
Wisdom, 1928-1934
Witchcraft, 1927-1932
II. Joseph Lee family papers, 1845-1980
A. Joseph Lee personal papers, 1872-1939
This subseries contains the personal papers of Joseph Lee, including correspondence with his first wife Margaret Cabot Lee; parents Elizabeth Perkins Lee and Henry Lee; siblings Elliot Cabot Lee, George Lee, and Elizabeth (Bessie) Lee Shattuck; and other family members and friends. The series also contains diaries and date books, fiction writing and poetry, artwork, and personal financial records. Of note are letters sent by Joseph Lee to his family while traveling in Europe, 1883-1884, and Russia in 1889 to visit Leo Tolstoy. This subseries also includes genealogical papers and writings collected by Joseph Lee on the Lee family, papers related to property owned by Joseph Lee, and records of donations to various organizations.
i. Correspondence
Joseph Lee correspondence, 1872-1929
Joseph Lee correspondence, 1930-1937
Joseph Lee correspondence with Margaret Cabot Lee, 1882-1920
ii. Joseph Lee diaries, 1872-1898
iii. Writings
Joseph Lee autobiographical writings, 1888-1934
Joseph Lee writings- Drama, 1916
Joseph Lee writings- Family tributes, 1893-1936
Joseph Lee writings- Fiction, undated
Joseph Lee writings- Poetry, 1891-1937
Joseph Lee writings- School work, 1872-1882
iv. Miscellaneous
Joseph Lee date books, 1924-1935
Joseph Lee artwork, 1876-1895
Joseph Lee admission to the Massachusetts Bar Association, 1888-1906
Joseph Lee address and phone list, undated
List of people sent book on Margaret Cabot Lee, 1923, A-C
List of people sent book on Margaret Cabot Lee, 1923, D-Z
List of people sent book on Margaret Cabot Lee, 1923, D-Z
Bibliography of Joseph Lee, [1902]
Instructions for disposing of Joseph Lee's papers, 1923
Joseph Lee's papers for dog Sylvan Roamer, 1906
Poetry collected by Joseph Lee, 1919-1933
Joseph Lee's papers collected on Frederick P. Cabot, 1932
Joseph Lee's papers collected on Stephen Cabot in 1863 draft riots, 1902-1906
Joseph Lee biographical information, 1928-1936
Joseph Lee genealogical information, 1928-1935
Joseph Lee printed material, 1895-1937
Joseph Lee clippings, 1893-1939
Joseph Lee museum objects, undated
Joseph Lee certificates and diplomas, 1887-1918
(Oversize)v. Financial records
Joseph Lee checkbook, 1893-1897
Joseph Lee bank book, 1893-1899
Joseph Lee financial statements, 1892-1899
Joseph Lee gifts to Harvard University, 1900-1922
Joseph Lee ledger book, 1903-1904
Joseph Lee audits, 1904-1935
Joseph Lee papers related to Sandy Cove, Cohasset, 1906-1930
Joseph Lee papers related to 4 Joy Street (The Town Room), 1906-1924
Joseph Lee papers related to Elizabeth Perkins and Henry Lee, 1909-1920
Joseph Lee papers related to the estate of Elliot C. Lee, 1920-1924
Joseph Lee papers related to Boston-Pacific Oil Co., 1920-1926
Joseph Lee gifts and bequests to children, 1923-1929
Joseph Lee miscellaneous financial documents, 1923-1934
Joseph Lee Charitable Trust, 1930-1937
Joseph Lee will, 1933-1936
Joseph Lee estate appraisal, 1937
Joseph Lee distribution of property, 1937
Joseph Lee list of books owned, undated
Joseph Lee donations, Ad-American R
Joseph Lee donations, American S-North End
Joseph Lee donations, O-Y
B. Lee family papers, 1845-1980
This subseries consists of correspondence, writings, and research of various members of the Lee family, including Joseph Lee's mother Elizabeth Perkins Lee, father Henry Lee, daughters Margaret Cabot Lee Southard and Susan M. Lee, son Joseph Lee, Jr. and Joseph Lee's second wife Marion Snow Lee. This subseries also includes papers collected by Joseph Lee's children on his career and events commemorating his life, as well as Lee family genealogy.
i. Elizabeth Perkins Lee
Elizabeth Perkins Lee correspondence, 1897-1920
Elizabeth Perkins Lee clippings, 1898-1911
ii. Henry Lee
Henry Lee correspondence, 1845-1898
Henry Lee writings, 1845-1894
Henry Lee research notes for book on militia, undated
Henry Lee list of people sent book on militia, undated
The Militia of the United States, by Henry Lee, 1864
Henry Lee miscellaneous printed material, 1845-1858
iii. Margaret Cabot Lee
Margaret Cabot Lee correspondence, 1876-1896
Margaret Cabot Lee correspondence, 1897-1920
Margaret Cabot Lee estate records, 1920-1927
Margaret Cabot Lee education and social work papers, 1915-1920
iv. Susan M. Lee
Susan M. Lee correspondence, 1905-1923
Susan M. Lee correspondence, 1924-1974
Susan M. Lee research and papers collected about Joseph Lee, 1919-1980
Susan M. Lee genealogical research, 1941-1972
Susan M. Lee writings, 1930
Susan M. Lee curriculum, 1930
v. Joseph Lee, Jr.
Joseph Lee, Jr. correspondence, 1909-1943
Joseph Lee, Jr. draft of "More Peaks than Valleys," by Kitty Duryee, 1973
Joseph Lee, Jr. clippings and printed material, 1937-1942
Joseph Lee, Jr. clippings and printed material, 1937
(Oversize)Joseph Lee, Jr. papers collected about Joseph Lee, 1939-1960
v. Margaret Lee Woodbury Southard papers, 1919-1937
vi. Marion Snow Lee papers, 1891-1974
viii. Amy W. Cabot correspondence, 1880-1950
ix. Miscellaneous Lee family correspondence, 1867-1914
III. Colt family papers, 1903-1991
Joseph Lee's daughter Amy Lee married Charles "Chis" Cary Colt in 1923, and this series contains correspondence between Amy, Chis, and other Colt family members, including letters sent between Amy and Chis during World War II; correspondence among Amy, Chis, and their children Timothy Pickering, Patrick Tracy, Charles C., Jr. Margaret Cabot, Sylvia, and Joseph Lee Colt; and correspondence among Amy, Chis, and his parents.
Colt family correspondence, 1903-1930s
Colt family correspondence, 1930s-1932
Colt family correspondence, 1933-1940s
Colt family correspondence, 1940s-1949
Colt family correspondence, 1950-1991
Amy Lee Colt diary/commonplace-book, ca. 1918-1925
This volume contains writings of Amy Lee (later Colt) as a young woman, including poetry and stories, diary entries, and Lee's thoughts on miscellaneous subjects such as "Boys I have partially fallen for in the past," "People you meet in the street," "What I want to be," and "If I ran society." Included are detailed descriptions of many of Lee's friends, as well as entries about her religious feelings, the illness and death of her mother Margaret Cabot Lee in 1920, her engagement and marriage to Charles Colt, and the birth of her son Charles Colt, Jr.
Photographs Removed from the Collection
Photographs from this collection have been removed to the MHS Photo Archives.
Preferred Citation
Joseph Lee papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.
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