1784-1933; bulk: 1860-1905

Offsite Storage Inventory

Restrictions on Access

The George Frisbie Hoar papers are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

Collection Summary


This collection consists of the papers of George Frisbie Hoar, lawyer and U.S. congressman of Worcester, Mass., and include correspondence and family papers, speeches and other writings, genealogical material, legal and financial papers, Clark University papers, diaries, and scrapbooks. Also included are papers of other family members.

Biographical Sketch

George Frisbie Hoar (29 Aug. 1826-30 Sep. 1904) was a lawyer, U.S. representative, and senator. He was born in Concord, Mass., the son of Samuel and Sarah (Sherman) Hoar and educated at Concord Academy and Harvard College (B.A. 1846, LL.B. 1849). In 1849, he began practicing law in Worcester, where he lived for the remainder of his life.

Hoar was intimately associated with the planning and early organization of the Republican Party in Massachusetts and continued that work for half a century, presiding over the Republican state conventions in 1871, 1877, 1882, and 1885. In 1852, he was elected to the Massachusetts House of Representatives and, five years later, served a term in the state Senate. In 1869, he was elected as a Republican to Congress and served in the House until 1877, when he was elected to the Senate. Re-elected four times, Hoar represented Massachusetts in the U.S. Senate until his death.

During his seven years in the House, Hoar served on the Judiciary Committee. He was one of the managers of the House in the impeachment of William Belknap and presented a vigorous argument for conviction, even though Belknap was no longer serving as secretary of war. In 1873, he was chairman of the special committee investigating governmental conditions in Louisiana. He was also a member of the electoral commission that determined the outcome of the Hayes-Tilden controversy in 1877.

In Hoar's own opinion, his most important service to the country was as a member of the Committee on Claims, where he exercised great influence in determining the Senate's policies on the Civil War claims of individuals, corporate bodies, and states. For more than 25 years, he served on the committee on privileges and elections, and his opinions are cited as authoritative. For 20 years, he was a member of the committee on the judiciary. He was the author of the 1887 law which repealed a portion of the tenure-in-office act, and of the presidential succession act of 1886, and he had a large part in framing bankruptcy and anti-trust legislation.

Particularly concerned with moral issues, Hoar was the Senate's chief opposition to lotteries. He also opposed the Republican administration's policy on the Philippines, but despite disapproval of his position in his home state, he was easily re-elected to a final term in 1901.

For 12 years, Hoar served as overseer of Harvard College. He helped to establish Worcester Polytechnic Institute and Clark University, also in Worcester, and was an influential trustee to both institutions from their organization until his death. He served as a regent of the Smithsonian and president of the American Antiquarian Society in Worcester. He maintained an extensive personal library and took an active interest in the Library of Congress.

Hoar married twice: first to Mary Louisa Spurr in 1853, with whom he had two children, Rockwood and Mary Hoar; and second to Ruth Ann Miller in 1862.

Collection Description

The George Frisbie Hoar papers consist of correspondence and family papers; speeches and other writings, including notes concerning the anti-slavery movement, Wendell Phillips, Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar and Samuel Hoar, and John Quincy Adams; genealogical material; legal and financial papers; Clark University papers; papers of Lucy Miller, Mary Hoar, Mary Louisa (Spurr) Hoar, and Ruth A. Miller Hoar; diaries; and 36 scrapbooks. Included are the diaries of George Frisbie Hoar, 1859-1903, and Dollie M. Kendall, 1851-1859, as well as copies of letters and George Frisbie Hoar's research and genealogical notes on Roger Sherman and the Sherman family, to whom the Hoar family was related.

The following description of this collection was published in the Massachusetts Historical Society's Miscellany, No. 7 (Mar. 1963):

"The legal papers constitute a record of Hoar's law practice from 1849, the year he left Harvard Law School, until his election to the United States Senate in 1877. This portion of the collection is chiefly concerned with litigation in the Massachusetts courts and is most concentrated in the years 1855-1869.

"The printed matter consists of a vast number of speeches and monographs by the Senator, articles supporting or criticizing his views on various issues, bills he sponsored or supported, and hundreds of pamphlets on public affairs ranging from the Free Soil Party to the Panama Canal controversy....

"The manuscripts, the largest and most important segment of the collection, record a life devoted to public service at the municipal, state, and national levels. They trace Hoar's career from his entry into politics with the Free Soil and Republican Parties, his service in both houses of the Massachusetts General Court, his election to Congress, and his service as a Senator from 1877 to his death in 1904. Most of them concern his years in the Senate and are particularly enlightening on the many important matters with which he was officially concerned, including the Belknap impeachment trial, the political investigations in Louisiana during Reconstruction, the Salary Grab Act of 1873, the Disputed Election of 1876, the Sherman Anti-Trust and Silver Purchase Acts, and the controversial McKinley Tariff of 1890, as well as the spate of matters taken up by the Senate Committees on Civil War Claims, on Elections and Privileges, and on the Judiciary."

Processing Note

Cartons 113-119, 189, 195, and 197 are PARTIALLY PROCESSED.

Cartons 134-148, 151, 163, 190-194, 196, and 198, containing Rockwood Hoar correspondence, legal papers, financial papers, volumes, and other papers, have been removed to the Rockwood Hoar papers. However, carton numbers in this collection have not been changed, so researchers will notice gaps in the Detailed Description of the Collection below.

Acquisition Information

Gift of Mrs. Reginald Foster of Needham, Mass.; Dr. C. Grant LaFarge of Brookline, Mass.; and Mr. W. E. R. LaFarge of New York, N.Y., 1962.

The papers in Carton 197 were a gift of Dr. Charles W. Foster in April 1971 and were transferred from "Foster" to the George Frisbie Hoar additions in May 1991.

Restrictions on Access

The George Frisbie Hoar papers are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

Detailed Description of the Collection

I. Correspondence, 1799-1933

101 record cartons
Carton 1SH0108


Carton 2SH0109


Carton 3SH0110


Carton 4SH0111


Carton 5SH0112


Carton 6SH0113


Carton 7SH0114


Carton 8SH0115


Carton 9SH0116


Carton 10SH0117


Carton 11SH0118


Carton 12SH0119


Carton 13SH0120


Carton 14SH0121


Carton 15SH0122


Carton 16SH0123


Carton 17SH0124


Carton 18SH0125

Jan.-June 1877

Carton 19SH0126

July-Dec. 1877

Carton 20SH0127

Jan.-June 1878

Carton 21SH0128

July-Dec. 1878

Carton 22SH0129

Jan.-June 1879

Carton 23SH0130

July-Dec. 1879; undated 1870s

Carton 24SH0131

1880; 1880s

Carton 25SH0132


Carton 26SH0133

Jan.-June 1882

Carton 27SH0134

July-Dec. 1882

Carton 28SH0135

Jan.-June 1883

Carton 29SH0136

July-Dec. 1883

Carton 30SH0137

Jan.-Apr. 1884

Carton 31SH0138

May-Dec. 1884

Carton 32SH0139

Jan.-June 1885

Carton 33SH0140

July-Dec. 1885

Carton 34SH0141

Jan.-Apr. 1886

Carton 35SH0142

May-Dec. 1886

Carton 36SH0143

Jan.-June 1887

Carton 37SH0144

July-Dec. 1887

Carton 38SH0145

Jan.-Mar. 1888

Carton 39SH0146

Apr.-July 1888

Carton 40SH0147

Aug.-Dec. 1888

Carton 41SH0148

Jan.-Mar. 1889

Carton 42SH0149

Apr.-Aug. 1889

Carton 43SH0150

Sep.-Dec. 1889

Carton 44SH0151

Undated letters, [1890-1893]

Carton 44SH0151

Jan.-Feb. 1890

Carton 45SH0152

Mar.-May 1890

Carton 46SH0153

June-Aug. 1890

Carton 47SH0154

Sep.-Dec. 1890

Carton 48SH0155

Jan.-June 1891

Carton 49SH0156

July-Dec. 1891

Carton 50SH0157

Letterbook (bound), 1892

Carton 50SH0157

Jan.-Mar. 1892

Carton 51SH0158

Apr.-Dec. 1892

Carton 52SH0159

Jan.-July 1893

Carton 53SH0160

Aug.-Dec. 1893

Carton 54SH0161

Undated letters, [1894-1897]

Carton 54SH0161

Jan.-Feb. 1894

Carton 55SH0162

Mar.-May 1894

Carton 56SH0163

Jun.-Sep. 1894

Carton 57SH0164

Oct.-Dec. 1894

Carton 58SH0165

Jan.-Apr. 1895

Carton 59SH0166

May-Oct. 1895

Carton 60SH0167

Nov.-Dec. 1895

Carton 61SH0168

Jan.-Mar. 1896

Carton 62SH0169

Apr.-Dec. 1896

Carton 63SH0170

Jan.-Mar. 1897

Carton 64SH0171

Apr.-May 1897

Carton 65SH0172

Jun.-Sep. 1897

Carton 66SH0173

Oct.-Dec. 1897

Carton 67SH0174

Jan.-Mar. 1898

Carton 68SH0175

Apr.-May 1898

Carton 69SH0176

June-Aug. 1898

Carton 70SH0177

Sep.-Oct. 1898

Carton 71SH0178

Nov.-Dec. 1898

Carton 72SH0179

Undated letters

Carton 72SH0179

Jan. 1899

Carton 73SH0180

Feb.-Mar. 1899

Carton 74SH0181

Apr.-Sep. 1899

Carton 75SH0182

Oct.-Dec. 1899

Carton 76SH0183

Undated letters, [1900]

Carton 76SH0183

Jan. 1900

Carton 77SH0184

Feb.-Mar. 1900

Carton 78SH0185

Apr.-May 1900

Carton 79SH0186

June-Aug. 1900

Carton 80SH0187

Sep.-Dec. 1900

Carton 81SH0188

Jan. 1901

Carton 82SH0189

Feb.-Mar. 1901

Carton 83SH0190

Apr.-June 1901

Carton 84SH0191

July-Oct. 1901

Carton 85SH0192

Nov.-Dec. 1901

Carton 86SH0193

Jan. 1902

Carton 87SH0194

Feb.-Mar. 1902

Carton 88SH0195

Apr. 1902

Carton 89SH0196

May 1902

Carton 90SH0197

June-July 1902

Carton 91SH0198

Aug.-Oct. 1902

Carton 92SH0199

Nov.-Dec. 1902

Carton 93SH0200

Jan. 1903

Carton 94SH0201

Feb.-Mar. 1903

Carton 95SH0202

Apr.-July 1903

Carton 96SH0203

Aug.-Oct. 1903

Carton 97SH0204

Nov.-Dec. 1903

Carton 98SH0205

Letters of sympathy on the death of R. Hoar, Dec. 1903-Mar. 1904

Carton 98SH0205

Jan. 1904

Carton 99SH0206

Feb.-Mar. 1904

Carton 100SH0207

Apr.-June 1904

Carton 101SH0208

July-Dec. 1904

Carton 101SH0208

Miscellaneous letters, 1850-1933

II. Speeches, 1870-1903

5 record cartons and 1 document box
Carton 102SH0209

Notes for speeches

Carton 102SH0209

Untitled speeches, undated

Carton 102SH0209

Speech on the Northwest Territory, undated

Carton 103SH0210

Speeches, undated (titled A-Z)

Carton 104SH0211

Speeches, 1870-1889

Box 1SH19FF

Speech on Benjamin F. Butler and greenbackism, 1878

Carton 105SH0212

Fisheries speech, 1888

Carton 105SH0212

Speeches, 1890-1897

Carton 106SH0213

Speeches, 1898-1903

III. Appointments, 1896-1899

2 record cartons
Carton 107SH0214

Political appointments, 1896-1898

Carton 107SH0214

Political appointments and military discharges, 1898

Carton 108SH0215

Political appointments, 1899

Carton 108SH0215

Political appointments and Naval Cadet appointments, 1899

IV. Writings, undated

4 record cartons
Carton 109SH0216

Notes on Wendell Phillips

Carton 109SH0216

Speeches by Wendell Phillips

Carton 110SH0217

Thucydides I and II

Carton 110SH0217

Notes for autobiography

Carton 110SH0217

Notes on Ebenezer R. Hoar

Carton 111SH0218

Genealogical materials

Carton 111SH0218

Notes on Samuel Hoar

Carton 112SH0219

Notes on John Quincy Adams bibliography

Carton 112SH0219

Bradford manuscript papers

Carton 112SH0219

Manuscript of [book] on the anti-slavery movement

V. Miscellaneous papers, 1864-1903

7 record cartons

NOTE: The cartons in this series are partially processed.

Carton 113SH0220

Unsorted miscellaneous papers, undated

Carton 114SH0221

Unsorted miscellaneous papers, undated

Carton 115SH0222

Clark University papers and J. G. Clark's will, 1900-1903

Carton 115SH0222

Danville papers

Carton 115SH0222

Notes on the Union Pacific Railroad

Carton 115SH0222

Topographical notes and charts

Carton 116SH0223

Behring Sea papers and U.S. commercial relations with Canada, 1889

Carton 116SH0223


Carton 116SH0223

Frederick Gerring, Goldberg, and Jordan cases

Carton 116SH0223

Petitions from Philippine towns

Carton 116SH0223

Coinage and tariffs, 1870-1873

Carton 116SH0223


Carton 116SH0223

Masich case, 1864-1890

Carton 117SH0224

National Bank tax case, 1887

Carton 117SH0224

Papers of historical interest

Carton 118SH0225

Senate matters (bound), 1880s and 1890s

Carton 119SH0226

Collection of quotations

Carton 119SH0226

Christmas and New Year cards (unsorted)

Carton 119SH0226

Papers of Lucy Miller

Carton 119SH0226

L. M. Spurr and Christine Rice correspondence

Carton 119SH0226

Obituaries of Mrs. Spurr (1890), Mrs. Miller (1886), and Henry W. Miller (1891)

VI. Legal papers, 1845-1897

8 record cartons
Carton 120SH0227

Devens and Hoar, 1860

Carton 120SH0227

Legal papers, 1845-1862 (to B)

Carton 121SH0228

Legal papers, 1862 (C-Z)

Carton 122SH0229

Legal papers, 1863-1866 (to P)

Carton 123SH0230

Legal papers, 1866-1882 (Q-Z)

Carton 124SH0231

Legal briefs, 1852-1861

Carton 124SH0231

Legal briefs, 1867-1891

Carton 124SH0231

Writs of execution, 1850-1860

Carton 125SH0232

Miscellaneous legal cases

Carton 125SH0232

Washburn and Moen vs. City of Worcester

Carton 125SH0232

"Water Cases and Old Santa Cases" (bound), 1887

Carton 125SH0232

Legal papers, unsorted

Carton 126SH0233

Law arguments (bound), 1852-1854

Carton 126SH0233

Law arguments (bound), 1855-1857

Carton 126SH0233

Law arguments (bound), 1858-1859

Carton 126SH0233

Law arguments (bound), 1860-1861

Carton 126SH0233

Law arguments (bound), 1862

Carton 126SH0233

Law arguments (bound), 1863

Carton 126SH0233

Law arguments (bound), 1864-1866

Carton 127SH0234

Law arguments (bound), 1867-1868

Carton 127SH0234

Law arguments (bound), 1869-1876

Carton 127SH0234

Law arguments (bound), 1877-1879

Carton 127SH0234

Law arguments (bound), 1880-1884

Carton 127SH0234

Law arguments (bound), 1886-1897

Carton 127SH0234

Law arguments, Supreme Court, U.S.

VII. Financial papers, 1840-1916

6 record cartons
Carton 128SH0235

Account books, 1840-1862

Carton 128SH0235

George and Ruth Hoar bank statements, 1904-1906

Carton 128SH0235

Spurr estate accounts

Carton 128SH0235

Account of Edward Lamb (guardian of Mary Louise and Thomas J. Spurr)

Carton 128SH0235

Deeds, lot plans, and receipts, 1840-1900

Carton 129SH0236

Bills and receipts, 1850-1865

Carton 130SH0237

Bills and receipts, 1866-1879

Carton 131SH0238

Bills and receipts, 1880-1893

Carton 132SH0239

Bills and receipts, 1894-1904

Carton 133SH0240

Bills and receipts of Mary Hoar, 1902-1916

Note: Cartons 134-148 have been removed to the Rockwood Hoar papers.

VIII. Notebooks and diaries, 1846-1903

2 record cartons
Carton 149SH0256

Notebooks of George Frisbie Hoar

Carton 149SH0256

Chapbook of George Frisbie Hoar, 1846

Carton 149SH0256

Diaries of George Frisbie Hoar, 1859-1869

Carton 150SH0257

Diaries of George Frisbie Hoar, 1870-1903

Carton 150SH0257

Diary of Dollie M. Kendall, 1852-1859

Note: Carton 151 has been removed to the Rockwood Hoar papers.

IX. Scrapbooks, 1850-1907

12 record cartons
Carton 152SH0259

Sensational murder trials, ca. 1900-1903

Carton 152SH0259

Clark University, 1887-1904

Carton 152SH0259

Death of Samuel Hoar, 1856

Carton 152SH0259

Deaths of Hoar family members

Carton 152SH0259

English and Spanish newspapers, ca. 1898

Carton 152SH0259

Civil War news clippings, 1860-1866

Carton 153SH0260

Political, vol. I, 1889-1900

Carton 153SH0260

Political, vol. II, 1900-1904

Carton 154SH0261

Congressional Record, 1874-1889

Carton 155SH0262

Congressional Record, 1887-1893

Carton 156SH0263

Congressional Record, 1893-1898

Carton 157SH0264

Congressional Record, 1898-1904

Carton 158SH0265

Personal, 1878-1897

Carton 159SH0266

Personal, 1897-1902

Carton 160SH0267

Personal, 1902-1904

Carton 161SH0268

Personal, 1904

Carton 161SH0268

Miscellaneous and personal, 1850-1879

Carton 161SH0268

Miscellaneous, ca. 1880-1890

Carton 161SH0268

Miscellaneous, ca. 1881-1902

Carton 162SH0269

Miscellaneous, ca. 1885-1903

Note: Carton 163 has been removed to the Rockwood Hoar papers.

Carton 164SH0271

Ruth Hoar miscellaneous scrapbook, 1864-1907

Carton 164SH0271

Ruth Hoar miscellaneous scrapbook, 1901-1902

Carton 164SH0271

Ruth and George Frisbie Hoar personal record

Carton 164SH0271

Mary Hoar miscellaneous scrapbook

X. Pamphlets, 1804-1919

12 record cartons

Arranged alphabetically by topic in numbered pamphlet boxes.

Carton 165SH1ADB

1. Catalogue of pamphlets, 1875, 1901

Carton 165SH1ADB

2. Alcohol in the arts; American Protective Association, 1890s

Carton 165SH1ADB

3. Armenia, 1895

Carton 165SH1ADB

4. Bonds, status of, 1883

Carton 165SH1ADB

5. Butler, Benjamin, 1883

Carton 166SH1ADA

6. Chinese immigration, 1878

Carton 166SH1ADA

7. Civil service reform, 1882-1900

Carton 166SH1ADA

8. Cuba, 1895-1896

Carton 166SH1ADA

9. Currency and bimetallism, 1894

Carton 166SH1ADA

10. Direct election of senators, 1890-1892; Election of 1884, Blaine vs. Cleveland

Carton 167SH0274

11. Federal election law, 1890

Carton 167SH0274

12. Federal judiciary

Carton 167SH0274

13. Geneva Award, 1882

Carton 167SH0274

14. Hatch Bill and information on options and futures

Carton 167SH0274

15. Hawaii, annexation of

Carton 168SH1ADE

16. Hoar, George Frisbie (pamphlets on), 1900-1904

Carton 168SH1ADE

17. Hoar, George Frisbie (pamphlets on), 1904-1905

Carton 168SH1ADE

18. Indian affairs

Carton 168SH1ADE

19. Internal improvements, 1881-1891

Carton 168SH1ADE

20. Nicaragua, 1895-1896; Northern Pacific Railroad, 1884

Carton 169SH0276

21. Old South leaflets; Panama Canal question, 1903

Carton 169SH0276

22. Patents and copyrights; Peabody Education Fund, 1885-1886

Carton 169SH0276

23. Prisons and convicts

Carton 169SH0276

24. Privileges and elections

Carton 169SH0276

25. Privileges and elections

Carton 170SH0277

26. Railroad transportation, 1871-1901

Carton 170SH0277

27. Reciprocity, 1901

Carton 170SH0277

28. Silver, 1890s

Carton 170SH0277

29. Spanish-American treaty, 1884-1885; Sugar question, 1888-1890

Carton 170SH0277

30. Supreme Court and U.S. Court of Claims

Carton 171SH0278

31. Tariff (general), 1884-1891

Carton 171SH0278

32. Tariff (general), 1892-1900

Carton 171SH0278

33. Tariff (coal, wool, and wages), 1884-1900

Carton 171SH0278

34. Trusts

Carton 172SH0279

35. Undervaluations, 1886-1887

Carton 172SH0279

36. Union Pacific Railroad, 1883-1888

Carton 172SH0279

37. U.S. and Canada

Carton 172SH0279

38. Venezuela question, 1896; William and Mary, College of

Carton 172SH0279

39. Miscellaneous pamphlets, 1804-1856

Carton 172SH0279

40. Miscellaneous pamphlets, 1862-1882

Carton 173SH0280

41. Miscellaneous pamphlets, 1883-1889

Carton 173SH0280

42. Miscellaneous pamphlets, 1890-1895

Carton 173SH0280

43. Miscellaneous pamphlets, 1896-1906

Carton 173SH0280

43. Miscellaneous pamphlets, undated

Carton 173SH0280

44. Miscellaneous pamphlets, 1911-1919

Carton 173SH0280

44. Oversize pamphlets

Carton 174SH0281

45. Pamphlets and articles by George Frisbie Hoar, 1855-1879

Carton 174SH0281

46. Pamphlets and articles by George Frisbie Hoar, 1880-1887

Carton 174SH0281

47. Pamphlets and articles by George Frisbie Hoar, 1888-1892

Carton 174SH0281

48. Pamphlets and articles by George Frisbie Hoar, 1893-1896

Carton 174SH0281

49. Pamphlets and articles by George Frisbie Hoar, 1897-1898

Carton 175SH0282

50. Pamphlets and articles by George Frisbie Hoar, 1899

Carton 175SH0282

51. Pamphlets and articles by George Frisbie Hoar, 1900-1901

Carton 175SH0282

52. Pamphlets and articles by George Frisbie Hoar, 1902-1904

Carton 175SH0282

53. Pamphlets by or about George Frisbie Hoar, 1879-1917

Carton 176SH0283

Oversize pamphlets and articles by George Frisbie Hoar, 1884-1902 (not boxed)

Carton 176SH0283

Printed material by George Frisbie Hoar, 1866-1904

XI. Miscellaneous subject files, 1860-1918

7 record cartons

Arranged alphabetically by topic.

This series consists primarily of printed materials and clippings, but also includes some manuscripts. The files in this series are largely unprocessed. Papers in Cartons 182 and 183 are arranged in numbered pamphlet boxes.

See also Series X. Pamphlets, which is arranged by many of the same topics.

Carton 176SH0283

Calling cards and advertisements

Carton 177SH0284

African treaty, 1891

Carton 177SH0284

Alabama claims

Carton 177SH0284

Alcohol, proposed bill, 1903

Carton 177SH0284

Armenian situation, 1895

Carton 177SH0284

Bankruptcy laws, 1895

Carton 177SH0284

Bimetallism (not foldered)

Carton 177SH0284

Bookseller lists

Carton 177SH0284

Brice case, 1891

Carton 177SH0284

Letter in reply to Butler

Carton 178SH0285

Campaign, 1882

Carton 178SH0285

Canada and the U.S.

Carton 178SH0285


Carton 178SH0285

Central American Transit Co., 1869

Carton 178SH0285

Churches, statistics of, 1891

Carton 178SH0285

Colored postmaster of Charlestown, Jan. 1892

Carton 178SH0285

Credit Mobilier

Carton 178SH0285

Cuba, 1897

Carton 178SH0285

Cuba, 1898

Carton 178SH0285

Cuban reciprocity, 1903

Carton 178SH0285

Drugs and drug trade, 1894

Carton 178SH0285

Education, 1890

Carton 178SH0285

Education, miscellaneous

Carton 178SH0285

Expulsion of the Chinese

Carton 178SH0285

Federal Court Bill, 1890

Carton 178SH0285

Fisheries, 1888

Carton 178SH0285

Hoar, George Frisbie

Carton 178SH0285


Carton 178SH0285

Hawaii, annexation of

Carton 178SH0285

Immigration, 1891-1903

Carton 178SH0285

Indian affairs

Carton 178SH0285

Indian policy, 1887

Carton 178SH0285

Internal improvements

Carton 178SH0285

La Abra Silver Mining Co., 1898

Carton 178SH0285


Carton 178SH0285

Labor, 1892

Carton 178SH0285

Library, Joint Committee of the

Carton 178SH0285

Liquor trade

Carton 179SH19NP

Madagascar, 12 May 1894

Carton 179SH19NP

Massachusetts legislature

Carton 179SH19NP

National Exposition, 1884

Carton 179SH19NP

National Homes Bill

Carton 179SH19NP

National University, 1896

Carton 179SH19NP

Navy, 1892

Carton 179SH19NP

Nicaragua, 1894-1895

Carton 179SH19NP


Carton 179SH19NP

Philippines, 1898-1902

Carton 179SH19NP

Philippines, 1902-1903

Carton 179SH19NP

Politics, 1891-1892

Carton 179SH19NP

Post office, 1903

Carton 179SH19NP

Presidential message, 1893

Carton 179SH19NP

Publishing interest vs. war claims, 1902

Carton 179SH19NP

Quincy, Josiah

Carton 179SH19NP

Reciprocity, 1892

Carton 179SH19NP

River and Harbor Bill, 1882

Carton 179SH19NP

Roach, William, 1893

Carton 179SH19NP

Shipbuilding on the lakes

Carton 179SH19NP

Shipping silver (not foldered)

Carton 179SH19NP

Silver question

Carton 180SH0287

South America

Carton 180SH0287

Southern elections, 1887-1889

Carton 180SH0287

Southern outrages

Carton 180SH0287

Spanish treaty, 1885

Carton 180SH0287

Straws, 1881

Carton 180SH0287

Sugar, undated

Carton 180SH0287

Sugar, 1887-1892

Carton 180SH0287

Tariff, undated

Carton 180SH0287

Tariff, 1884-1889

Carton 180SH0287

Tariff, 1888-1889

Carton 180SH0287

Tariff, 1890

Carton 180SH0287

Tariff, 1892-1901

Carton 180SH0287


Carton 180SH0287

Tobacco, Internal Revenue, 1888

Carton 180SH0287


Carton 180SH0287


Carton 181SH0288

Uniform laws, 1891

Carton 181SH0288

Union Pacific, 1860-1888

Carton 181SH0288


Carton 181SH0288

Wages, 1894

Carton 181SH0288

Walthal, Edward, 1899

Carton 181SH0288

War loans, 1918

Carton 181SH0288

Washburne Bill

Carton 181SH0288

William and Mary, 1892

Carton 181SH0288

Whitman, William, 1892

Carton 181SH0288

Women's suffrage, 1894

Carton 181SH0288

Wool and the tariff

Carton 181SH0288


Carton 181SH0288

Miscellaneous unsorted

Carton 182SH0289

1. Congressional Records

Carton 182SH0289

2. Public documents, 1864-1882

Carton 182SH0289

3. Public documents, 1883-1892

Carton 182SH0289

4. Public documents, 1893-1905

Carton 182SH0289

5. Public documents, miscellaneous, 1883-1895

Carton 183SH0290

6. Senate and House bills, 1870-Nov. 1889

Carton 183SH0290

7. Senate and House bills, Dec. 1889-1890

Carton 183SH0290

8. Senate and House bills, 1891-1906

XII. Printed bound volumes, 1875-1908

5 record cartons

Many of the volumes in this series consist of several pamphlets bound together. The titles of these pamphlet volumes, listed below in quotation marks, have been taken from their spines. Included at the front of many of these volumes is a manuscript list of contents, which has been photocopied. Volumes containing these lists are identified below with the note "(list included)."

Carton 184SH0291

George Frisbie Hoar inventory of books (typed manuscript)

Carton 184SH0291

George S. Taft. Compendium of Senate Election Cases from 1789-1885. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1885.

Carton 184SH0291


Carton 184SH0291

William T. Sherman. Memoirs of General William T. Sherman. Vol. II. New York: Appleton & Co., 1875.

Carton 184SH0291

Rockwood Hoar Memorial Address in the House of Representatives. Washington, 1907.

Carton 184SH0291

Tributes of the Bar and of the Circuit Court of the United States to the Memory of Sherman Hoar. Boston: George H. Ellis, 1899.

Carton 184SH0291

Tributes of the Bar and the Supreme Judicial Court to the Memory of Samuel Hoar. Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1904.

Carton 184SH0291

Charles Moore. The Promise of American Architecture: Address at the Annual Dinner of the American Institute of Architects. Washington: AIA, 1905.

Carton 184SH0291

Dedication of the Statue of the Hon. George Frisbie Hoar, Worcester June Twenty-Sixth, 1908.

Carton 184SH0291

A. P. C. Griffin. Library of Congress, Division of Bibliography. A List of Books (with References to Periodicals) Relating to Trusts. 2nd ed. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1902.

Carton 184SH0291

Address Delivered at the Fifteenth Annual Banquet of the Boston Merchants Association, November 15, 1895, on the Improvement of Boston Harbor. Boston: Robinson Press, 1896.

Carton 184SH0291

George Frisbie Hoar. Address Delivered Before the Senate and House of Representatives and Invited Guests on February 12, 1901 by the Hon. George Frisbie Hoar. Boston, 1901.

Carton 184SH0291

George Frisbie Hoar. McKay v. Kean: Argument of George F. Hoar for the Petitioner. 2 Oct. 1895.

Carton 184SH0291

Proceedings of the Senate Sitting for the Trial of William W. Belknap, Late Secretary of War: On the Articles of Impeachment Exhibited by the House of Representatives. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1876.

Carton 185SH0292

"John A. Andrew" (includes list)

Carton 185SH0292

"Electoral Commission: Speeches and Pamphlets" (includes list)

Carton 185SH0292

"Ford's Historical Pamphlets"

Carton 185SH0292

"Garfield" (includes list)

Carton 185SH0292

"Politics" (includes list)

Carton 185SH0292

"Politics 1876" (includes list)

Carton 185SH0292

"Pacific Railroads Pro-Rate and Sinking Fund" (includes list)

Carton 186SH0293

"Louisiana Investigation: Subcommittee Report and Evidence"

Carton 186SH0293

"Louisiana Investigation: Speeches" (includes list)

Carton 186SH0293

"Louisiana Investigation: Carpenter's Report," 43rd Congress, House Report #101, "Condition of the South"

Carton 186SH0293

"Louisiana Investigation: Miscellaneous" (includes list)

Carton 186SH0293

"Louisiana Investigation: Miscellaneous" (includes list)

Carton 186SH0293

"Louisiana Investigation: President's Message/Election Cases" (includes list)

Carton 186SH0293

"Louisiana Investigation: Hoar's Report and Evidence," "Condition of the South"

Carton 187SH0294

Francis A. Wharton. Digest of the International Law. 2nd ed. Vols. I, II, III. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1887.

Carton 187SH0294

"Credit Mobilier: Miscellaneous Documents" (includes list)

Carton 187SH0294

"Credit Mobilier: Poland Committee Report," 42nd Congress, House Report #77

Carton 187SH0294

"Credit Mobilier: Wilson Committee Report," 42nd Congress, House Report #78

Carton 188SH0295

"Railroads" I (includes list)

Carton 188SH0295

"Railroads" II (includes list)

Carton 188SH0295

"Railroads" III (includes list)

Carton 188SH0295

[Railroads IV] (includes list)

Note: The binding on this volume is broken.

Carton 188SH0295

"Railroads, Etc." (includes list)

Carton 188SH0295

"Pacific Railroad" (includes list)

XIII. George Frisbie Hoar additions, 1784-1912

3 record cartons

NOTE: The cartons in this series are partially processed.

A. Correspondence, 1784-1912

This subseries contains letters received by members of the Hoar family, as well as copies of letters written by Roger Sherman that George Frisbie Hoar acquired while researching the relationship between the Hoar and Sherman families.

Carton 189SH0296

Copies of letters on land disputes, the American Revolution, the political status of Vermont, Indian land rights, Connecticut politics, and military affairs, 1663-1784, copied [late 1800s?]

Carton 189SH0296

Copies of letters on Anglo-American disputes, divorce, etc., 1768-1791, copied [late 1800s?]

Carton 189SH0296

Copies of letters by Roger Sherman and information on the vicissitudes of war, 1770-1793, copied [late 1800s?]

Carton 189SH0296

Copies of letters by and about Roger Sherman and information on the boundaries of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont, 1775-1903, copied [late 1800s?]

Carton 189SH0296

Copies of letters on the state of the army, Congressional deliberations, and the pros and cons of the Constitution, 1776-1789, copied [late 1800s?]

Carton 189SH0296

Copies of letters on disobedience in the army and state representation in Congress, 1777-1895, copied [late 1800s?]

Carton 189SH0296

Copies of letters by Roger Sherman on trade, army supplies, and the general progress of the war and letters about the state of affairs in Connecticut and the search for information on Roger Sherman, 1780-1895, copied [late 1800s?]

Carton 189SH0296

Copies of letters on the economic distress in Philadelphia and the Wyoming Valley, territorial disputes, the Indian factor in westward expansion, and the role of the Sherman family in the Revolutionary War, 1784-1898, copied [late 1800s?]

Carton 189SH0296

Correspondence on the Sherman family, 1784-1912

Carton 189SH0296

Copies of letters on state representation; the lack of information about North Carolina history; activities of blacks in Cape Francais, Haiti; and information related to Roger Sherman, 1791-1793, copied [late 1800s?]

Carton 189SH0296

Letters to George Frisbie Hoar with information on the Sherman family, 1894-1897

Carton 189SH0296

Letters tracing the relationship between the Sherman family and the Hoar family

Carton 189SH0296

Letters on Roger Sherman's family history and his political and military activities, 1895-1896

Carton 189SH0296

Letters related to the search for information on Roger Sherman in England, 1896-1903

Note: Cartons 190-194 have been removed to the Rockwood Hoar papers.

B. Miscellaneous family papers, correspondence, and notes, 1811-1853

Carton 195SH0302

Sherman family papers and transcripts, notes on genealogy, etc.

Carton 195SH0302

George Frisbie Hoar and Mrs. George Frisbie Hoar correspondence

Carton 195SH0302

Copies of minutes of the Springfield Convention, 30 July 1777, and notes on the Helvetian War, the family tree of Walter Hickson, baptismal records of W. M. Hoar, assumption of state debts, Roger Sherman, and John Prescott, 1811-?

Carton 195SH0302

Various family trees, the election of state officers for Massachusetts, notes on the Sherman search in England, and some George Frisbie Hoar correspondence related to the Sherman search, 1853-?

Carton 195SH0302

Notes on Roger Sherman

Carton 195SH0302

Biographical note on Henry Miller

Carton 195SH0302

Hoar portraits

Carton 195SH0302

Memoranda of the Sherman family

Carton 195SH0302

Roger Sherman in the Federal Convention

Carton 195SH0302

Ancestry of Rev. John Sherman and Capt. John Sherman

Note: Carton 196 has been removed to the Rockwood Hoar papers.

C. Speeches and writings, 1871-1903

This carton contains various dated and undated speeches, drafts of correspondence, notes, and research.

Carton 197SH0304

XIV. Oversize materials

This series consists of oversize documents from other series in the collection. These materials are stored onsite at the Massachusetts Historical Society (Ms. N-2247).

Box OS

Preferred Citation

George Frisbie Hoar papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848.
Hoar family.
Hoar family--Genealogy.
Hoar, E. R. (Ebenezer Rockwood), 1816-1895.
Hoar, Mary Louisa Spurr.
Hoar, Ruth Ann Miller, d. 1903.
Hoar, Samuel, 1778-1856.
Kendall, Dollie M.
Miller, Lucy.
Phillips, Wendell, 1811-1884.
Sherman family.
Sherman family--Genealogy.
Sherman, Roger, 1721-1793.


Clark University (Worcester, Mass.).


Antislavery movements--United States.
Family history--1800-1949.
Legislators--United States.

Materials Removed from the Collection

The papers of George Frisbie Hoar's son Rockwood Hoar were removed from this collection in December 2000 and form a separate offsite collection, the Rockwood Hoar papers.

Autographs from this collection have been removed to the George Frisbie Hoar autograph collection.

Photographs from this collection have been removed to the MHS Photo Archives. Daguerreotypes of George Frisbie Hoar (Photo. 470) and an unidentified woman (Photo. 1.471) are stored by format in the MHS Photo Archives.