1962-2019; bulk: 1985-2013

Guide to the Collection

Restrictions on Access

The Massachusetts Peace Action records are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

Collection Summary


This collection consists of records of Massachusetts Peace Action (MAPA), the state affiliate of the national activist organization Peace Action.

Historical and Biographical Sketches

Massachusetts Peace Action

Massachusetts Peace Action is a state affiliate of the national organization Peace Action. Peace Action was formed in 1987 by the merger of two organizations: the Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy (SANE), founded in 1957, and the Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign, founded in 1980. This combined organization was called SANE/Freeze until 1993, when its name was changed to Peace Action.

Massachusetts Peace Action, founded in the 1980s and originally called Massachusetts Freeze, was an affiliate of the Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign. In the late 1980s, the organization was known as Massachusetts SANE/Freeze. In 1993, its name was changed to Massachusetts Peace Action (MAPA).

MAPA focuses on activism, advocacy, and education to achieve its mission of nuclear disarmament, as well as "an end to the new cold war; an end to U.S. wars, interventions, occupations, and sanctions; and building a just society at home with a smaller Pentagon budget." It is a nonpartisan nonprofit organization governed by a board of directors and an executive committee.

Shelagh Foreman

Shelagh Foreman of Cambridge, Massachusetts, was a founding member of Massachusetts Freeze and serves on the Massachusetts Peace Action board of directors, MAPA Education Fund board of directors, and MAPA executive committee. She is also a core group member of 20/20 Action.

Eva Moseley

Eva (Steiner) Moseley of Cambridge, Massachusetts, serves on the MAPA Education Fund board of directors and the steering committee of the Palestine/Israel Working Group.


Massachusetts Peace Action website. Accessed 27 September 2024.

Collection Description

This collection consists of records of Massachusetts Peace Action (MAPA), the state affiliate of the national activist organization Peace Action. The collection contains administrative material, including board of directors, committee, and financial records, as well as records of conferences, conventions, and other events; papers of directors Shelagh Foreman and Eva Moseley; papers related to specific issues and to media and outreach; and records of affiliated organizations, including the national Peace Action and regional branches. The collection documents MAPA's advocacy of nuclear disarmament, human rights, an end to war, a reduction in military spending, and many other related issues.

Processing Information

This collection has been minimally processed. In most cases, original folders have been retained, as well as the order of papers within folders. Titles on original folders were used in the Detailed Description below, except where incorrect, incomplete, or inconsistent. Some titles have been regularized to allow for the arrangement of similar material together. Some but not all metal fasteners have been removed. Where possible, duplicates have been removed and similar folders arranged together, but researchers will find duplicate or similar material in multiple sections of the collection.

Acquisition Information

Gift of Massachusetts Peace Action, December 2013, June 2015. Additions from Eva Moseley, July 2020, December 2020.

Restrictions on Access

The Massachusetts Peace Action records are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

Detailed Description of the Collection

I. Administrative records, 1985-2019

This series contains records of the board of directors of Massachusetts Peace Action, including material dating from the years it was known as Massachusetts Freeze and Massachusetts SANE/Freeze; papers of select committees, conferences/conventions, and other events; and financial records.

A. Board of directors records, 1986-2013

Arranged chronologically.

Included are minutes of board meetings, agendas, correspondence, notes, strategy and planning documents, and material related to Massachusetts Peace Action's affiliation with the national organization Peace Action.

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 1

Massachusetts Freeze board minutes, 1986-1987

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 2

Massachusetts Freeze agenda, 1987-1988

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 3

Canvass memos re: decentralization, 1987-1989

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 4-8

Massachusetts SANE/Freeze board meeting minutes, 1987-1993

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 9

Letters welcoming Kevin O'Connell, 1988

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 10

Accomplishments/who we are, 1988-1989

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 11

Board member responsibilities, 1988-1989

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 12

Memos to national, 1988-1989

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 13

Massachusetts Freeze program & org. goals, 1988-1989

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 14

Board nominations, 1990

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 15

Board agendas, 1990-1991

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 16

Memos from chair, 1990-1991

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 17

Massachusetts SANE/Freeze by-laws, 1990-1993

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 18

Notes, brainstorming, 1991-1992

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 19-26

MAPA board meeting minutes, 1991-2013

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 27

Goals, priorities, 1992

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 28

Board [orientation?], 1995-1996

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 29

Office meetings, 2003-2005

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 30

Board development, 2010

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 31

Advisory board, 2010-2011

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 32

Board restructuring, 2010-2011

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 33

Board minutes & member agreements, 2011

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 34

Board travel, 2013

B. Committee records, 1985-2014

Arranged alphabetically.

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 35

Executive Committee minutes, notes, etc., 2011-2013

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 36

Finance and Fundraising Committee minutes, notes, etc., 2010-2012

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 37-38

Fundraising Committee, 1989-1991, 2010-2014

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 39

Legislative Committee, 1989

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 40

Membership Committee, 2011-2012

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 41

Organizational Development Committee, 2012-2013

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 42-43

Personnel Committee info on personnel policies, 1985-1991

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 44

Personnel Committee vehicle & driver policy, 1987

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 45

Program Committee event planning, 1992

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 46

Program Committee reports, 1987-1990

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 47

Steering Committee, 1987-1988

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 48

Steering Committee memos, 1990

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 49

Steering Committee notes, 1990

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 50-55

Trunk & Branch Committee affiliation contracts, memos, etc., 1987-1993

C. Conferences, conventions, and events, 1986-2019

Arranged chronologically.

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 56

Massachusetts Freeze founding convention, 1986

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 57

Walk for Peace/Give Peace a Dance, 1986-1989

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 58

Massachusetts Freeze 2nd annual conference, 1987

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 59

Program books, 1987-1999

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 60

William Sloane Coffin events, 1988

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 61-62

Conventions, 1988-1989

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 63

Fundraising events misc., 1989, undated

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 64-65

Annual conferences, 1990-1991

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 66-68

Fall conferences, 1992-1995

Carton 1SH 19M5 $Folder 69

State conference packet, 1993

Carton 2SH 19M6 /Folder 1

Mini-conference: Alternatives to Violence at Home and Abroad, 1994

Carton 2SH 19M6 /Folder 2

Non-violence conference with Lesley College, 1994

Carton 2SH 19M6 /Folder 3

9th annual state conference, 1994

Carton 2SH 19M6 /Folder 4-5

Spring dinner, 1995

Carton 2SH 19M6 /Folder 6

Fall forums, 1995

Carton 2SH 19M6 /Folder 7

"What Now?" mem. forum, 2003

Carton 2SH 19M6 /Folder 8-16

MAPA dinner, 2003

Carton 2SH 19M6 /Folder 17-23

Music for Peace, 2003-2019

Carton 2SH 19M6 /Folder 24-27

Annual meetings, 2004-2006, 2010-2013

D. Financial records, 1987-2011

Arranged chronologically.

Carton 2SH 19M6 /Folder 28

Debt to Phil Villers, 1987-1996

Carton 2SH 19M6 /Folder 29

SANE/Freeze Mastercard campaign, 1988-1989

Carton 2SH 19M6 /Folder 30-32

Financial statements (audited), 1990-1992

Carton 2SH 19M6 /Folder 33-37

Tax returns (federal and state), 1990-1995, 2000

Carton 2SH 19M6 /Folder 38-39

Rent / First Church, 1991, 1995

Carton 2SH 19M6 /Folder 40

Report & budget, 1991

Carton 2SH 19M6 /Folder 41

Fundraising, 1992

Carton 2SH 19M6 /Folder 42

Reimbursements, 1996

Carton 2SH 19M6 /Folder 43-44

Financials, 2003-2004

Carton 2SH 19M6 /Folder 45

Fundraising ideas, 2003-2005

Carton 2SH 19M6 /Folder 46

Budget documents, 2004

Carton 2SH 19M6 /Folder 47

Grants, 2010-2011

II. Shelagh Foreman papers, 1975-2015

This series, the largest in the collection, consists of papers of Shelagh Foreman documenting her various roles with Massachusetts Peace Action, including board member, program director, core group member of 20/20 Action, and participant in various working groups. Papers related to different roles are interfiled together.

A. Notebooks, 1990-2009

Arranged chronologically.

These 67 spiral-bound notebooks contain detailed manuscript notes on meetings, events, and issues; drafts of letters; contacts; lists; and loose correspondence (some personal), printed material, and other papers inserted. The notebooks are sequential, but include some gaps.

Carton 2SH 19M6 /


12 volumes.
Carton 3SM 19M7 +


29 volumes.
Carton 4SM 19M8 %


26 volumes.

B. Loose papers, 1975-2015

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries contains newspaper articles, newsletters, fliers, fact sheets, and other printed material; meeting notes and agendas; press releases and reports; emails; material documenting outreach to legislators and political statements, including candidate questionnaires; and other papers. Papers relate to a wide variety of topics, not just those listed below.

When the collection was acquired by the MHS, many of Foreman's papers were unfoldered or filed in unlabeled folders. These three cartons of miscellaneous papers contain material similar to that in the labeled folders, but have been arranged in loose chronological order with no attempt at organization. The vast majority date from the 1990s.

Carton 5SH 19M9 0

Miscellaneous papers, 1978-2010

24 folders.
Carton 6SH 19MA 1

Miscellaneous papers, 1992-2006

36 folders.
Carton 7SH 19MB 2

Miscellaneous papers, 1997-2015

38 folders.
Carton 8SH 1A1QFolder 1-10

Coalition for a Strong United Nations, 1975-1998

Carton 8SH 1A1QFolder 11

Nuclear testing / proliferation / elimination nuclear weapons, 1982-1995

Carton 8SH 1A1QFolder 12

Articles on sustainability, 1983-1994

Carton 8SH 1A1QFolder 13

Human rights, 1983-1994

Carton 8SH 1A1QFolder 14

Economic conversion workshop, 1985-1987

Carton 8SH 1A1QFolder 15-17

20/20 Vision, 1985-1994

Carton 8SH 1A1QFolder 18

Economic diversification legislative organizing kit, 1988-1989

Carton 8SH 1A1QFolder 19-20

National conversion & legislation, 1988-1994

Carton 8SH 1A1QFolder 21-23

Working group and back-up, 1988-1996

Carton 8SH 1A1QFolder 24

Application for federal adjustment funds, 1990-1992

Carton 8SH 1A1QFolder 25-26

Defense industry conversion, 1990-1992

Carton 8SH 1A1QFolder 27

Endorsements / electoral material, 1990-1992

Carton 8SH 1A1QFolder 28

H.3129, 1990-1995

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 1

Economic development/conversion, 1991-1994

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 2-3

National Economic Conversion Organizer's Retreat, 1991-1994

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 4-6

Current legislation, 1991-1996

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 7-10

Commonwealth Coalition, 1991-2002

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 11

Media, 1992

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 12-14

Economic conversion, 1992-1995

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 15

Regional, 1992-1994

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 16

Strategic Planning for Economic Conversion Work, 1992-1995

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 17

Military budget / Peace Economy, 1992-1996

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 18

Balkans, 1993

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 19

"A Call to Action: Labor's Agenda for Economic Conversion in New England," 1993

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 20

"Conversion and the Cooperative Reorganization of Production: The Case of the Calstart Consortium," Jason Donovan thesis, [1993]

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 21

D-ARPA - science policy, 1993

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 22

National Conference on Technology Conversion: Reinvestment in National Needs, 1993

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 23

9th annual state conference, 1993-1994

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 24

Arms transfers, 1993-1994

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 25

Haiti, 1993-1994

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 26-29

Board, 1993-1994, 2010-2012

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 30

Massachusetts Human Services Coalition, 1993-1996

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 31

John Putnam & center, 1994

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 32

Maine & Watertown Citizens for Environmental Safety, 1994

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 33

Meeting with Melvin Dubee, 1994

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 34

S. Foreman to Peace Action, 1994

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 34A

Activities, 1994-1995

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 35

"Conduct Unbecoming America--U.S. Arms Exports," 1994-1995

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 36

Comprehensive Test Ban / Non-Proliferation Treaty, 1994-1995

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 37

Fall membership conference, 1994-1995

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 38

"Universal Human Rights: Accountability and Enforcement," John F. Kennedy Library, 1994-1995

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 39

Voter Power, 1994-1995

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 40

Massachusetts Manufacturing Partnership, 1994-1998

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 41

Clippings, 1995

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 42

Contract on Cambridge, 1995

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 43

Cynthia McKinney, 1995

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 44

MAPA Peace Award, 1995

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 45

NECARC & Northeast Action: The New Political Reality / Taking Back the Agenda, 1995

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 46-47

Federal and state budget, 1995-1996

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 48

Raytheon, 1995-1996

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 49

Dinner, 1995-1998

Carton 9SH 1A1RFolder 50

Defense and the Regional Economy, Hanscom Air Force Base, 1997

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 1

NATO expansion, 1997-1998

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 2-3

Iraq, 1997-1999

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 4

Randy Forsberg, 1998

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 5

"Women Take Action!" 1999

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 6

Landmines, 1999-2000

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 7-8

Colombia, 2000-2002

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 9

9/11 / peace response to 9/11, 2001

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 10

Missile defense / United for Justice with Peace / Congressional comm., 2001

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 11-12

Legislative/congressional working group, 2001-2002

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 13

Materials from wall, 2002

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 14

"War, Anyone? / Or a Merry-Go-Round of War / War and Other Diversions," by Jacqueline Taylor, [2003]

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 15

India - nuclear deal flyer, 2006

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 16

MAPA finance and fundraising, 2009-2011

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 17

Women's Action for New Directions, 2012-2013

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 18

United for Human Rights, [2015]

III. Eva Moseley papers, 1986-2019

Arranged chronologically.

This series contains papers of Eva Moseley, member of the Massachusetts Peace Action board of directors, including mailings, fliers, and other printed material related to U.S. foreign policy; correspondence; agendas and notes from meetings of the boards of MAPA and the MAPA Education Fund; and papers related to her work with the Palestine/Israel working group and the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement.

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 19-28

Mailings and miscellaneous papers, 1986-2008

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 29

Missile defense, 1998-2003

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 30-31

Meetings, etc., 1999-2002, 2006

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 32

Nuclear weapons, 2001-2006

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 33-34

Iraq, 2001-2008

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 35

United for Justice with Peace, 2001-2009

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 36

Rep. Michael Capuano, 2002

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 37-40

Board, etc., 2002-2006

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 41

Coalition for a Strong United Nations, 2002-2009

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 42

Annual awards dinner, 2003

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 43

Mayors for Peace, 2003-2004

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 44

Annual meeting / UJP strategy meeting, 2005

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 45

Israel/Palestine: Where Do We Go From Here?: A Teach-In and Organizing Conference, 2005

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 46

Anti-recruitment, 2005-2006

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 47

Beyond Apartheid in Israel/Palestine: The Reality on the Ground & Lessons from South Africa, 2005-2006

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 48

United for Peace and Justice, 2007-2008

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 49

Iran, 2008

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 50

Lobbying: Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey, 2009-2016

Carton 10SH 1A1SFolder 51

Web statement / Israel/Palestine, 2011-2015

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 1

Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS), 2011-2019

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 2

Palestine/Israel working group (mostly internal), 2013-2019

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 3

Travel, Ethics Commission, 2014-2018

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 4

Katherine Clark / March 5th CD group, 2014-2019

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 5

New Day, 2015-2016

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 6

Governor, attorney general, police, 2016

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 7

State Democratic Committee, 2016-2017

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 8

Joint Advocacy Group, 2016-2018

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 9

Hewlett-Packard boycott, 2018-2019

IV. Issue files, 1962-2014

Arranged alphabetically.

This series consists of papers related to specific topics of concern to Massachusetts Peace Action, including newspaper clippings, newsletters, and other printed matter; meeting minutes and reports; correspondence with organizations and public officials; manuscript notes; fact sheets; press releases and mailings; and other papers. Included are files for Massachusetts Congressional Districts 1-11 (except for District 2) containing papers related to district-specific issues and events.

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 10

Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, 1987

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 11

Anti-gun stuff / state assault weapons ban, 1994-1995

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 12

Anti-satellite weapons information (Federation of American Scientists reports), 1982-1985

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 13

Arms sales, 1995

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 14

Arms trade code of conduct, 1978-1995

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 15

Arms trade working group, 1994-1995

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 16

Background on Department of Energy plants / KEEP THEM SHUT! 1988-1989

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 17

Background on Soviet Union, 1989

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 18

Balkans task force & action on former Yugoslavia, 1992

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 19

Bilateral nuclear weapons freeze - Randy Forsberg, 1982

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 20

"Blueprint for the Peace Race," John F. Kennedy, 1962

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 21-22

Bosnia, 1992-1995

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 23

Boston City Council - Rosario Salerno peace dividend hearing, 1989-1991

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 24

Boston homeport re missiles in Boston Harbor, 1983-1985

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 25-26

Comprehensive Test Ban, 1982-1989

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 27

Conference on Nuclear War & U.S. Intervention, 1982-1984

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 28

Congressional candidates, 1995

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 29

Congressional district organizing, 1991

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 30

Congressional District 1, 1988-1991

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 31-39

Congressional Districts 3-11, 1987-1991

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 40

Cruise missiles, 1984

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 41

Demographics, 1981-1989

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 42

Discrimination, 1986-1990

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 43

Draft registration, 1987

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 44-45

Earth Day, 1990

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 46-49

Economic conversion/diversification, 1980-1992

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 50

Economic conversion/diversification: "Budget for a Strong America," [1989]

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 51

Economic conversion/diversification: Center for Policy Alternatives, 1990-1991

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 52

Economic conversion/diversification: conversion background, Frank Emspak, 1990

Carton 11SH 1A1TFolder 53

Economic conversion/diversification: H.R.3999 - information, 1990

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 1

Economic conversion/diversification: Massachusetts economic diversification bill - as passed, 1989-1990

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 2

Economic conversion/diversification: May 2nd town meetings, 1990

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 3-4

Economic conversion/diversification: National Commission for Economic Conversion & Disarmament, 1987-1991

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 5

Economic conversion/diversification: state level conversion initiatives, 1989-1991

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 6

Economic conversion/diversification: study of impact of military $, Baltimore, 1989

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 7

Economic conversion/diversification: update stuff, 1995

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 8

Economic conversion/diversification: Washington state diversification bill as passed, 1990-1991

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 9

Elections, 1988

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 10

Environment as a peace issue - fact sheet, 1990

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 11

Euromissiles, 1983

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 12

Federal budget press conference, 1991

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 13

Federal social needs cuts, 1982-1989

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 14

Feminism, 1980

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 15

Forsberg - Freeze & beyond, 1983-1985

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 16

Gun buy-back campaign, 1995

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 17-18

Hiroshima/Nagasaki, 1984-1985, 1995

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 19

House parties, undated

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 20

How Nuclear War Can Happen & Broken Arrows, 1981-1986

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 21

INF treaty, 1987-1988

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 22

International Plutonium Control Act statement by William Sloane Coffin, 1989

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 23

Iran/Contra, 1987

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 24-25

Iraq, 1990-1993

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 26

Israel/Palestine, 2009-2014

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 27

"Keep Them Shut" campaign, 1989

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 28

Kennedy, Sen. Edward M., 1987-1990

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 29

Kerry, Sen. John, 1989-1990

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 30

Linking community & international violence, 1993-1995

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 31

Lobbying, undated

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 32

Local civil defense reports, 1978-1983

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 33

Low-intensity conflict, 1985-1988

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 34-35

Martin Luther King Day, 1986-1990, 2011-2012

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 36

Massachusetts budget crisis, 1989-1990

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 37

Media access & bias, 1990

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 38

Military bases, 1989-1990

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 39

Missile Experimental (MX), undated

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 40

National Priorities Project Peace Economy booklet, 1991

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 41

North Korea, 1994

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 42

Nuclear arms race, 1982-1990

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 43

Nuclear deterrence, undated

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 44

Nuclear power/miscellaneous, 1990

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 45

Nuclear waste, 1988

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 46

Nuclear weapons freeze campaign, undated

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 47

Nuke/biological weapons treaties overview, 1983-1989

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 48

Nukes & public health, 1984-1991

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 49-50

Organizational literature archive, 1981-1991

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 51

Persian Gulf War, 1990-1991

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 52

Politics of security, Jonathan Winer, 1989

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 53

Proliferation, 1985-1994

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 54

Racism, 1987-1989

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 55

Radioactive waste disposal, 1989-1990

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 56

Reinvest reports, 1994

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 57

Research: "Openings for Framing a Progressive Foreign Policy," 2004

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 58

Senator Tom Harkin, 1990-1991

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 59

Soviet arms control, 1985-1988

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 60

"Soviet Geopolitical Momentum: Myth or Menace," 1986-1989

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 61

START, 1990-1991

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 62

Strategic Defense Initiative general info, 1983-1984

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 63

Student organizing, 1986-1995

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 64

Tax day, 1990

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 65

Towards a new foreign policy, 1992-1995

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 66

Treaty compliance, USSR/general, 1982

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 67

Trident program, 1990-1994

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 68

Unions, 1982-1988

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 69

United Nations, undated

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 70

United Nations Second Special Session on Disarmament (UNSSDII), 1981-1982

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 71

Voting records - peace issues, 1987-1989

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 72-73

Weapons systems, 1982-1991

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 74

"White People Challenging Racism," 2006

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 75

"Why NATO?" undated

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 76-77

Women's Caucus, 1982-1990

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 78

Yugoslavia meetings, 1995

V. Media and outreach, 1985-2012

Arranged chronologically.

This series contains papers related to media engagement and outreach by Massachusetts Peace Action, including recruitment and canvassing, as well as printed material created by and about the organization, primarily newsletters.

Printed material is also located throughout the rest of the collection. For printed material related to affiliated organizations, see Series VI.

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 79

Massachusetts Freeze members, 1985-1988

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 80-86

Newsletter back issues, 1985-1995

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 87

Media outlet resource booklet, 1986

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 88

Recruitment stuff / application, flyer, info, 1987, undated

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 89

Massachusetts Freeze correspondence, 1987-1988

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 90

Speakers' Bureau, 1988

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 91

Telegrams from Massachusetts Freeze to MA congressional delegation, 1988

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 92

William Sloane Coffin bios and photographs, 1988

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 93-95

Petitions, 1988-1989, undated

Carton 12SH 1A1UFolder 96-97

Graphics & cartoons, 1988-1995, undated

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 1

Membership by town & congressional district, 1989

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 2

Peace movement - general press, 1989

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 3-4

Internship information, 1989, 2012

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 5

Editorial responses, 1990

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 6

Tufts internship, 1990-1991

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 7-8

Canvassing, 1990-1992

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 9

Contacts for newsletter, 1993, undated

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 10-28

Membership renewals and appeals, 2001-2010

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 29

Membership renewal general notes, 2002-2003

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 30-31

The Nation mailing list, 2002-2004

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 32-33

Viacom Outdoor, 2002-2004

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 34

Fundraising/mail samples, 2002-2005

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 35

Ad campaigns & expenses, 2003

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 36

High-donor letter, 2003

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 37-38

Empower Telefundraising, 2003-2004

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 39

GOTV phone calls, 2004

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 40

Local elections, 2004

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 41

Possible speakers & misc., 2004-2008

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 42

Youth work, 2005-2006

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 43

Organizational membership, 2009-2011

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 44

25% Campaign, 2012

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 45

Recruitment, undated

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 46

Website: photos, undated

VI. Records of affiliated organizations, 1981-2013

This series consists of papers of organizations and groups affiliated in some way with Massachusetts Peace Action, including the national Peace Action (under that name and its previous names) and regional affiliates. Papers of Peace Action include copies of their monthly "Grassroots Organizer" (GRO) mailings and weekly legislative updates.

The series also contains papers of separate organizations with which MAPA has partnered and/or corresponded. Included are a number of newsletters of the American Friends Service Committee, the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, and others.

A. National and regional Peace Action records, 1985-2013

Arranged chronologically.

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 47

Massachusetts Freeze towns, 1985-1988

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 48

Regional SANE/Freeze staff meetings, 1986-1991

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 49

National SANE/Freeze group exemption information, 1986-1992

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 50

SANE/Freeze newsletter back issues, 1987-1990

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 51

SANE/Freeze / other states, 1987-1991

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 52

National SANE/Freeze convention - Atlanta, 1988

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 53-75

"Grassroots Organizer," 1988-1992

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 76-80

National SANE/Freeze, 1988-1992

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 81

National SANE/Freeze: Campaign for Global Security affiliate list, 1989

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 82

National SANE/Freeze: Campaign for Global Security board elections, 1989

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 83

National SANE/Freeze: Campaign for Global Security strategy paper, 1989

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 84

National SANE/Freeze board memos, 1989-1990

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 85

National SANE/Freeze: Campaign for Global Security strategy paper, 1990

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 86

National SANE/Freeze PAC, 1990

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 87

National SANE/Freeze weekly legislative reports, 1990

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 88

Peace Action, 1990

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 89

SANE/Freeze Illinois, 1990

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 90-91

Legislative updates, 1990-1991

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 92

SANE/Freeze Connecticut, 1990-1991

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 93

National & other states in SANE/Freeze, 1992

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 94

National Congress, 1992

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 95

National Congress, Detroit, Michigan, 1993

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 96

National Congress, 1994

Carton 13SH 1A1VFolder 97

National Congress, 2000

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 1-2

Peace Action National board of directors manual, 2001-2012

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 3

Peace Action Washington State, 2004-2012

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 4

Peace Action Membership/Affiliation Committee, 2006-2011

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 5

Peace Action by-laws, 2007-2011

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 6

Peace Action Palestine/Middle East Committee, 2008-2010

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 7

Peace Action Executive Committee, 2009-2013

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 8

Peace Action fundraising, 2010-2011

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 9

Peace Action/Peace Action Education Fund long-range strategic plan, 2011

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 10

Peace Action travel, 2012-2013

B. Other affiliated organizations and partnerships, 1981-2003

Arranged alphabetically.

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 11

20/20 Vision, 1988-1990

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 12-16

American Friends Service Committee, 1992-2003

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 17

Americans Talk Security, 1990-1991

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 18

ARCO Forum/Kennedy School, 1989

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 19

Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus, 1987-1988

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 20

Arms Trade Resource Center, 1995

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 21

Aspen Institute, 1999-2001

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 22

Boston Anti-Intervention Unity Project, 1991

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 23

Boston Common Security Working Group, 1989-1990

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 24

Center for Atomic Radiation Studies, 1988-1990

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 25

Center for Defense Information, 1982-1989

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 26

Citizens' Assembly to Stop the Spread of Weapons, 1995

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 27

Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), 1990

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 28

Coalition for a Nuclear Test Ban, 1983-1991

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 29

Colleges & universities: Brandeis, undated

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 30

Colleges & universities: University of Lowell, 1989-1990

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 31

Common Agenda Coalition "Creating a Common Agenda," 1995

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 32

Common Agenda Coalition list, 1991

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 33

Council for a Livable World, 1989-1990

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 34

Citizens for Participation in Political Action, 1992

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 35

Disarmament Clearinghouse fact sheet, 1996

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 36

Employment Research Associates, Lansing, Michigan, 1991

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 37

Exchange Project, Peace Development Fund, undated

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 38

Greenpeace, 1990

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 39

Interstate Freeze Lobbying Network, 1985

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 40

Industrial Services Program, 1990

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 41

Institute for Defense & Disarmament Studies newsletters, 1981-1990

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 42-43

Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, 1999-2003

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 44

Jobs With Peace, 1986-1991

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 45

Massachusetts Coalition for National Security, 1989

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 46

Massachusetts Common Agenda Coalition, 1991-1992

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 47

Mobilization for Survival, 1990

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 48

National Priorities Project / cost to MA of Gulf War, 1991

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 49

National Priorities Project "In Search of Security," 1994

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 50

Neighbor to Neighbor, 1989-1991

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 51

Network for Nuclear Abolition - Hiroshima Day, 1993-1994

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 52

Network for Nuclear Abolition/Arms Trade Working Group, 1995-1996

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 53

Peace Economy Project (Maine), 1990-1991

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 54

Professionals' Coalition for Nuclear Arms Control / military budget, 1991

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 55

Related organizations, 1991-1992

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 56

Riverfest/Ben & Jerry's Peace Pops, 1989

Carton 14SH 1A1WFolder 57

Taxpayers for Common Sense, 1995

Preferred Citation

Massachusetts Peace Action records, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Foreman, Shelagh.
Moseley, Eva Steiner.


Massachusetts Peace Action--Photographs.
Peace Action (Organization).


Human rights.
Nuclear disarmament.
Peace--Moral and ethical aspects.
Peace movements--Massachusetts.
War--Economic aspects.